31 • "The Four Musketeers."

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I stared at the easel that was set up in front of me, with a blank expression.

"...Smile for me."

The artist said across the canvas.

"...I am unable to."

He slowly puts his brush down.

"And why is that, dear?"

My expression stayed poker. No matter how much I tried, it couldn't change to any other emotion.

"...You should know the answer to that one, Kreideprinz."






I woke up.

That's it.

There's no reason for a poetic sounding monologue.

I woke up in my room, with the sunlight beaming through the windows.

I'm greeted with the familiar looking paintings of myself covered wall to wall, drawn by the person I love the most.

He isn't here at the moment.

He told me that I'm not allowed to love anyone else.

But interactions with the outside world are still tolerated.


Everyday is the same.

I get out of bed. I get ready. I go outside and enjoy the scenery and flowers. I greet the citizens. And I cook food.

During the evening, however, I go to a certain place.

I visit a tavern as per a friend's request.

That's exactly what I'll be doing again today.

But it'll be a little bit different.


"Greetings..." I slowly opened the wooden door, leading into a building where bards sang and drunkards mingle.

"Hey. (Y/N)." My friend greeted.

"Good evening, Sister Rosaria." I walked over to the seat beside her, in front of the counter.

"You look pretty today." An acquaintance complemented me, just as he does to every other woman in the city. I don't know if he means it.

"But I look the same everyday, Captain Kaeya."

"Not quite today, Miss (Y/N). Your eyes shine a little bit brighter."

"I have a lover already." I bluntly told him.

"Of course, I know that," He sipped on his beer, "But how do you think we would be together instead?"

"I'm not allowed to love anyone besides him." I tapped on the wooden counter lightly in a rhythm with my fingers.

"What a strict boyfriend." He sipped on his velvet beverage once more.

"I apologize for neglecting you, Master Diluc, Charles. Good evening." I greeted the bartender for today, ignoring the Cavalry Captain's comment.

"What would you like?" He asked.

"The Wolfhook Juice, please and thank you." I placed the Mora on the countertop.

"Coming right up."


This is almost everyday.

It's boring, to say the least.

The only times a day would be better is when my lover comes home from his work.

I'd actually have something to look forward to.

That is...not today.

Just when I thought today couldn't get any more average than any other, something did indeed happen...

"H-Hey! Mora snatcher!" Someone shouted, before a different person ran outside through the door.


I turned around.

They hastily left the door open.

"I'll be going." Sister Rosaria abruptly got up from her seat, "(Y/N)?"

"Sure. What about you two?" I glanced towards the brothers.

"We've got no time to waste." Kaeya shrugged.

"Charles, take care of the bar." Diluc was preparing to walk out from the backdoor.

"No problem, sir."

"Ahah. The Four Musketeers have assembled." I giggled to myself.


Chapter 5: Flames and Frost.

To Be Continued...


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