13 • "The Mondstadtians, Adventurers' Guild"

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"Hi, excuse me, but have you seen this girl around?" Amber held out a missing person poster to a pedestrian.

"No..." He shook his head.

"Oh...Okay, we'll check elsewhere."

"What a useless guy!"

"Paimon, that's not how you treat people..." Amber sweat-dropped.

We've started our poster pasting plan, or P.P.P for short. It was Amber's idea okay.

While we put up the posters, we can ask the citizens around at the same time. If they happen to have a clue, we would head straight to it.

Our Outrider friend and Paimon is in charge of Mondstadt's upper area, consisting of the Cathedral, Barbatos Statue, and Knights' HQ area.

I was supposed to be in charge of another area alone, but...

"(Y/N) is coming with me, there is no other choice."

...Aether dragged me along with him.

So now, me and Aether are both searching the lower part of Mondstadt together.

The plan was to check everywhere and then meet up at the second fountain.

"Hello, sir! Have you seen this person anywhere...?" I asked, handing him a poster.

"Nope." And he walked off.

"...That seemed a little, tiny bit rude, but..."

"Excuse me, Travelers!"
Someone called out to us.

"Huh?" I turned to the root of the voice.

It was from the Adventurer's Guild booth. Katheryne!

She made a gesture for us to come closer...

"...Okay." I nodded and walked towards her.

"Hey, (Y/N)- Where are you going?" Aether turned his head to see me no longer there.

"Huh...?!" He frantically looked around, only to find me walking away from him.

"Hold on, there!" He caught up to us.

"Ad astra abyssosque. Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. I have been keeping an eye on you both for some time."

"Who are you and why are you keeping an eye on (Y/N)?" Aether stood in front of me.

"Um, Aether-"

"No need to be alarmed, Traveler. I've only been keeping an eye on you because of the adventurer-like aura that you carry. Not everyone carries such a glorious vibe." She explained.

"And...?" He glared at her.

"So I've been meaning to ask if you both would like to join the Adventurer's Guild! We give many kinds of handsome rewards to adventurers who complete tasks such as Daily Commissions, Adventure Rank Level Ups, and many other missions to carry out."
Katheryne smiled.

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