35 • "Projection of the Eyes"

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"Did you know? There used to be a really good bard who performed here." Sister Rosaria downed a glass of wine.


"Apparently one day, he just...stopped performing. He came to drink wine, and drank until he died right on the spot."

"...What a shame."

...Today's Wolfhook Juice tastes better than before.

"I wonder why Kaeya didn't come today. He usually doesn't like doing Knight work." I rested my head in my palm.

"It must be something more important than usual." Rosaria nonchalantly replied.


Everything is so painfully boring.

Something interesting needs to happen, or I might just die from boredom right then and there.


And the sad part is that...

I don't have the ability to make things interesting.

I sighed, gulping down another sip of my beverage.


"Goodbye, Sister Rosaria." I walked out of the tavern door.

She only waved in return.

Once I stepped foot on the outside of the warm building, I'm immediately greeted by the chilling breeze of the evening.


A sudden pain shot through my head.

I blinked.

The sky wasn't dark anymore.

It was a pure crimson red, as as the wind swept dust into the air.

...Mondstadt looked like a ghost town.


Dead bodies were littered on the ground, all of people I knew before, and greeted every day.

The pavement was stained with velvet blood, as if it was a red carpet.

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