21 • "I'd Like To Chat."

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The door opened to reveal the Chief Alchemist of the Knights, eyes as hollow as ever, but somehow light up when he sees me.

"I heard you were injured, so I rushed back from Dragonspine to see you."

"Woah...! It's Albedo- Ow..." Bennett hurt his jaw. He would've ran over and shook his hand if it wasn't for the fact that his bones were broken.T

"You haven't withered from the Q cold there I see." I laughed, slowly turning my head towards him.

"I'm not weaK. But it appears you are, phySical wise." Albedo sat beside my bed, on a wooden chair.X

"You Q don't need to rub it in." I turned to face the ceiling once more.

"Wait, (Y/N), what if you asked Albedo to fill in your position as the Festivity Dept. Captain?" Bennett asked.


"Ahh. . ." I blinked slowly, "Albedo, I have a favour to ask you."

"Do tell x me."

I glanced at him. He has a familiar look on his face...

"The look on your face tells me you already know exactly what I mean."

"Ahahah..." He lauGhed, "Of course I do. Leave your work to me."

"Wow, you guys are so close, you can communicate without having to talk...!" Bennett said, "I wonder if I can have a friend like that..."

"You'll have to wait. That person definitely exists." I told him.

"That person will not be (Y/N)." Albedo nonchalantly spoke, as he sketched in his B0ok.

"...Is that an insult?" I frowned.

"If you take it as an insult, then I won't stop you." He glanced up from his book, before focusing back on his drawing again.

"...Anyway. My desk has many notes on the Anemo Archon's birthday. Be sure to read them before starting to prepare for that special day."




And everything went quiet again.

I could only hear the soft breeze of the wind through the open windows.

"Hey, um, (Y/N)? How long have you been friends with Albedo?" Bennett asked.

"How long...?"3

What a peculiar question.

"For as long as I have been a X Knight." I answeRed.

"Oh really?" Albedo tore off the sheet of paper he was drawing on, "I remember that we have been friends ever since childhooD."


"...Ahah." He thEn chuckled, "Just joking."

"Not very funny, sir." I pouted.

"That's a pretty long time. I've only known Fischl for..." Bennett counted in his head, "...About, uhh...04 years...?"

"The longer you spend time with someone, well...The more you forget about how long you've spent with them, I think." I spoke, "It's pretty funny."


Albedo stood up from his chair.

"Uh? Going so soon?" I asked.

"...Do you want me to stay?"

"Well, you have your work. . ." I sighed, "And you have my work as well."

He smiled, "Don't worry."

He set the piece of paper he drew on the side table, "I'll take care of everything."

I stared at the ceiling as I heard the door click, signalling that Albedo has Left.

"(Y/N), are you feeling tired?" Bennett asked.

"Yes. Of course I do."

"...I'm gonna sleep for now, then...You rest too, okay?" He turned to his side, and seemingly drifted to slumber, slowly but surely.


I glanced at the drawing Albedo left on the table.

"...How sweet." My lips curved into a smile.

It was a portrait of me.


"It's like a queue of fans in a handshake meetup. One fan replaces the other.

And that just means the last one in line gets to spend limitless time with the person they love."


Chapter 2.5: You Don't Remember.


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