A/N: this is kinda like the scene of Link meeting Amelia's family so hope you enjoy!
Arizona's POV
As we got of the car, Sofia pranced and pranced until we got to the front porch. Their house was huge. Amelia smiled at me.
"Uh, before we go in..." Amelia looked down, fidgeting with her hands. Was there something wrong? "I need you to know not to fight them if they say something you don't like, okay?"
"I-Of course." I nodded as Sofia took my hand. Amelia breathed in, then out before ringing the door bell. An audible 'coming!' was right at the door. And there was a woman, a brunette. Slightly lighter hair than Amelia's showed up at the door.
"Amy, hey!" The woman's eyes light up but for a second she hesitated to move. "Come here!" They hug, and Amelia looks at me with bright eyes.
"Arizona, meet Kathleen. My sister." She turns to her sister again. "Kathleen, meet my girlfriend." The woman stops for a second, analyzing her thoughts and laughs.
"Well, hello to you. Arizona is it?" The woman greets me, then looking at Sofia huddled up on my leg. "And who's this cutie?"
"I'm Sofia." Sofia speaks up, happily, now letting go of my leg. I'm happy she feels safe here.
"Well hi, sweetheart." She laughs. "So, dinner?" She looks up at Amelia and we head inside.
It's been a few hours now and everything is going great. Sofia said she was full so she went to go watch a movie in the living room but eventually fell asleep. I've met Amelia's other sister now, Nancy. She seems sweet. Suddenly, we hear someone.
"I hear my girls!" Some calls out from upstairs and the room freezes. My brows furrow in confusion. Everyone in the room gives themselves looks and Nancy speaks out.
"I didn't call her, I swear!" Nancy drops her plate and raises her hands in the air.
"I may have accidentally." Kathleen whispers, Amelia's face changes completely.
"Amelia, are you okay?" I grab her hand under the table.
"I—" Before she could finish her sentence, a woman's voice filled the room.
"There's my baby girl!" The older woman squealed, having open arms for Amelia. Amelia stood up and hugged her. "Oh! I never knew you brought along a friend." My cheeks reddened and I suddenly became upset Amelia didn't talk about me. Maybe she just didn't have much communication with the woman... who seems to be her mother. Amelia's throat cleared and she looked at me.
"Uh, mom. This is Arizona. My uh, girlfriend." Amelia grinned, cute. The woman's face expression changed.
"Wh-What?" She laughed incredulously. "Last time I heard from you, you had a husband." Her tone changed, too.
"What? It's been less than a year Amelia." Kathleen spoke up. I didn't want to cause commotion, so I stayed silent.
"It's been a little more than a year, okay?!" Amelia gave her sister and angry look. "We were married, then we separated."
"What the hell were you thinking?" Nancy said. "Amelia, less than a year?!" She laughed. "You know what, I knew it. You owe me 100 bucks." She pointed to Kathleen.
"You bet on my marriage?!" Amelia's tone became even more worse. Oh god, please make it stop. "Are you fucking kidding me?! You didn't even come to my wedding!" Amelia yelled as her mom sat down to pour herself a glass of wine.
"I would have come with proper notice but I'd barely heard of Owen before the invitations arrived. I didn't know if there was going to be a wedding." Her mother laughed.
"Okay, do you have any idea how hurtful and insulting that— this is why I didn't even bother to call you when I found out I had a brain tumor!" Amelia sat back up. Everyone's eyes glared at her like wolves.
"Amelia, Frances Shepherd! You have a brain tumor?!" Her mom raised her voice.
"Had. I had." Amelia states.
"This seem more like brain damage." Nancy teases.
"I'd say more delusional." Kathleen laughs, making me mad. No, I was furious. Because I couldn't stand here and let them talk bad about Amelia.
"Okay you, don't know me. You have not seen me for years. I am trapped in your mind and on your stairs at about 14 years old I am not that person anymore!" Amelia pauses. "I am sober, I am responsible, and I am a neurosurgeon! At the top of my field. I save lives, every day. In fact, I am the chief of neuro at one of the top hospitals in the country!"
"Because Derek was moving in and gave you the job." Nancy speaks up. I couldn't take it anymore. After a few seconds of silence, I decide to go against my word.
"You know what? All of you can talk bad about Amelia, but I won't just stand here like an idiot and let her fall like that." I stand up from my seat. "She is not the person you are at all describing."
"Arizona, you don't have—" Amelia tries to cut me off but I put my finger up to silence her.
"She is, a brilliant neurosurgeon. She is funny, kind, smart. God, I wouldn't know what to do if she wasn't here just 8 months ago. She is so caring, and perfect. I have no idea why none of you can see that!" I yell. "If you have a problem with me being here with her, you can tell me to leave."
"Arizona, stop." Amelia's stern voice cuts me off and she won't look me in the eye. "Get in the car, please."
"Please." She stops me. She looks mad... did I do something?
"O-Okay." I look down, completely embarrassed. I leave the room, unable to speak. I nearly cry as I carry Sofia in my arms and take her to the car. A few minutes later, Amelia comes out the front door. She doesn't look towards me but just fastens her seatbelt and closes her door. "A-Amelia?" I sigh. "D-Did I s-say so-something?" I look into her eyes, getting blurry.
"You said you wouldn't say anything." Her head crashes down into her hands.
"So I was really just supposed to let them talk bad about you?!" I didn't mean to get mad, but I did.
"You know what? Can we just go home and sleep?!" She yells at me. Her face immediately softens when she sees the tears forming in my eyes. "Arizona..."
"J-Just drive." It takes her a few seconds before starting the car and driving back home.
Amelia placed Sofia back in her bed and I went to change inside of our closet. I hear the door open and there she stands.
"Arizona, please just listen." She tries to stop me from leaving.
"No, it's fine." I say, making my way to the living room, she follows behind me.
"What are you going here for?" She says as I grab the two pillows and put them on either side of the couch.
"I'm giving you space, it's called being nice." I give her a look before hopping onto the couch and turning the other way.
"Arizona." She scoffs. I start sobbing lightly and I can feel her coming closer to me. "Arizona, I'm sorry..." she tries to calm me but it doesn't work. She just lays there in her pajamas, rubbing my back as I avoid her. "Arizona..." she kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry." She whispers. I just close my eyes and sleep. I don't want to fight.

Be My Lover
FanfictionAmelia is a newlywed. This has a similar storyline of when Owen wanted kids with Amelia. Amelia runs away from Owen and hides in Arizona's house. Eliza Minnick and Arizona Robbins are dating right after Callie Torres, the love of her life, died in a...