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Amelia's POV
My eyes shot up, was it just a dream? Fuck. Where am I? I rub my eyes and find myself in an on call room. Where is she? I thought I was just right next to her. I run back to her room and find Meredith trying to give her the medicine. April also said she will have some news if Arizona is pregnant or not.

"Arizona, you need to take them." Arizona looked frightened. I walked up to her and touched her thigh, she felt immediately startled and I pulled away. I saw that Meredith noticed her reaction, so she pulled me outside. "Amelia, she's not doing it. Y-You have to." Meredith cried. "Please, make sure she's okay. She was on the plane with me too. I don't want anything bad to happen to her."

"Meredith, I'm scared." I hugged her. She rubbed my back. "But I know she'll be okay, I will do it." She gave me one more nod before she left and I walked in the room. I haven't showered yet so I might need to leave her. "Arizona, hi my love." I approached her carefully. Her bottom lip quaked and I sat at the edge of the bed, keeping my distance. I saw the pill bottle on the table and I picked it up. "C-Can I hold you?" She hesitated to talk. She shook her head no and I accepted it. "Okay. Well, can you at least take your medication? For me?" I smiled weakly. She slightly came closer and gave me a terrified look. It's like I was some predator. "Thank you." I whispered as she tried to open the bottle, but failed to do so. I giggled, sticking my hand out. She put it back in my hands so I could open it and I did. I then popped one in her mouth and I gave her some water. When she finished, I sighed. I looked dearly into her eyes, getting lost in them. They were filled with sadness, but I knew she was still in there.

"P-Please stop l-looking." She whimpered. I looked away from her and nearly cried.

"I'm s-sorry. For everything." I look down. "I'm sorry we got into a fight. I'm sorry that this happened to you." After a few seconds, I felt a hand reach out for me. Arizona put her head on my shoulder and I smiled.

"I-it's not your fault," she whispered.

It's finally the day we are finding out if Arizona's pregnant. Arizona needed to take her pills again so I walked inside of her room. She was facing the wall and I quickly turned her around. "Hey." She had a slight frown on her face but didn't even look at me. "It's time to take your medicine."

"I don't want to," She answered quickly.

"Oh sweetie, you have to." I rub her arm and she pushes my hands away from her aggressively.

"I said I don't want to!" She threw the pill bottle onto the ground, scattering them everywhere. She then shoved the glass of water and it broke into shards. She looked into my eyes before sobbing, I felt horrible.

"Arizona..." I went closer to her but she backed away.

"Get out!" She yelled at me, vulnerable. I teared up as she continued to cry, April walked in.

"Amelia we need to talk." I nodded, leaving Arizona in her room. April locked the door, pushing me into one of the ultrasound rooms. "There's something I need to tell you, but you can't freak out."

"What? Is it Sofia? What's wrong?" I looked deeper into her eyes and I knew exactly what she was going to say.

"Arizona's pregnant." Her words were still able to throw me off, so I sat in the small chair to process it all.

"She's... really pregnant?"

"She is."

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