WE Are Amazing

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Arizona's POV

"Mommy," Sofia whispered, shaking me awake. The sun shone brightly in the windows. 

"Sofia?" I grumbled, turning to my side. I found Sofia cuddled in Amelia's arms, clearly sleeping. 

"I need to go potty," She said timidly. 

"It's okay. Go. Amelia's a heavy sleeper." I answered back, reaching out to cup her face. 

"Thank you, Mami." She says, getting out of bed. A few moments later, I heard Amelia stirring in bed. I flashed my eyes open, scooting closer to her. So warm.

"Arizona? Where's Sofia?" Amelia fluttering her eyes open. 

"She went to the bathroom," I sunk my face in her arms. 

"You lesbians are so soft." She giggles sleepily, cuddling me closer. 

"Shut up and kiss me, will you?" I teased, pressing my lips onto hers. 

"Mmh. We should go out with Sofia today." She said. 

"That sounds like such a good idea." I replied. "You're amazing, you know that?" 

"We. Arizona. We are amazing." 

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