The Other Side Of The Bridge

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Amelia's POV

After I took Sofia back to Jackson and Harriet, I went back up to see Arizona. I haven't really seen anyone else since Arizona's tumor but Meredith. I was about to walk into Arizona's room when Maggie stopped me. 

"Oh hey, Amelia." She said perkily. I took 2 steps back, finally facing her. "I haven't seen you in a few days." She lowered her tone. "I also heard you divorced Owen," She sighed. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" 

"I... I guess I just got caught up working on Arizona's tumor and everything." I looked up, finding Maggie's eyes widen. 

"Tumor? Wow. I really did miss everything since I went to that conference." She replied. A conference? 

"What conference? I thought you were at home the whole week." I raised my brows in shock. 

"Nope. I had a conference in Boston. Great, though." She says. 

"Oh, well. Yes, it's true. Owen and I divorced. Well, I chose to. He didn't take it really well as I expected. I just... don't wanna talk right now." I shook my head. She gives me a sad look and holds my hands in hers. 

"I have to go now, but if you need some TLC... call me. Alright?" She exhales. 

"Okay, uh. I have to go check up on Arizona."

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