Arizona's POV
I woke up, watching Amelia stir and mumble in her sleep. It was so cute. She had work today, meaning she had to leave me. I didn't want her to leave, until her pager beeped making her wake up.
"Zona?" She called out, fluttering her eyes open. I pretended to be asleep, not wanting her to go. "Zona, wake up sleepyhead." I don't respond, keeping still. She groans, getting up. I head the bed creak, making my body get up.
"No! Don't leave!" I try to pull her back on the bed and she just laughs.
"You were awake this whole time? How long?" She asks me, sitting on the edge of the bed and placing her hand on my thigh.
"Not...l–long." I stutter not being able to find words.
"Liar." She grins, poking me on the nose. "I have to go to work."
"Can't I come with you?" I pout.
"No. Plus, we have a date tonight right after my shift." She smirks, standing up.
"Arizona, what?" She says, half amused and half disturbed.
"Can I kiss you?"
"You can kiss me whenever you want."

Be My Lover
أدب الهواةAmelia is a newlywed. This has a similar storyline of when Owen wanted kids with Amelia. Amelia runs away from Owen and hides in Arizona's house. Eliza Minnick and Arizona Robbins are dating right after Callie Torres, the love of her life, died in a...