On Accident. Or Was It?

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Arizona's POV

I was working today, Amelia and I carpooled and I saw Owen in the parking lot. Amelia told me she wanted to hide from him, so I wanted to respect her decision. 

"Amelia, duck!" I pushed her down earning a small groan from her. The front of the car was tall enough to cover Amelia's body, Owen waved hi to me. He closed his car door and walked inside of the hospital. Amelia looked up at me. 

"Really, Robbins?" She wiped the dirt off of her leather jacket. 

"Sorry. Owen was here." I helped her wipe the dirt off from her pants too. I stood back up, realizing my face was inches apart from hers. I blush immediately. "H–Hey." 

"Hey." She keeps her glare on my body. I feel myself getting hotter and hotter. Suddenly, I hear someone yelling. 

"Arizona!" April. We haven't talked ever since I told Jackson she was pregnant. She's been pretty pissed at me and we've ignored each other at elevators, even stairs. 

"Hey, isn't that April?" Amelia asks me. 

"Y–Yeah. Uhm, why don't you head in? I'll just talk to her really quick. Meet you inside." I pressed my lips against hers, then realizing I wasn't supposed to do that. Shit. April was there. I pull away, giving her a shocked look. "S–Sorry. It's a habit." I blush. To be completely honest, it felt good. 

"That's fine. So I'll meet you inside." 


"April, are you trying to say you forgive me or you're still pissed?" I laugh as we walk down the halls.

"I'm saying, I'm still a little mad at you. But, I forgive you. I just–– I saw you kissing Amelia and... she's married." She gives me an incredulous look. 

"I know, force of habit."  

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