"Baby, do you really need all these clothes?" Amelia asks the blonde in their hotel room, rummaging through Arizona's already overflowing dresser.
"I feel like I'm having a stupid mental breakdown about clothes." Arizona stepped out of the closet wearing a blue, small crop top with a gray cardigan and skinny jeans.
"You're only going to the grocery store, pick up Sofia and then we are going to drop by near my sisters." Amelia didn't really have much contact with her sisters over the years. Especially when she had a drug addiction and kept drinking every week. Amelia and Arizona had decided they wanted their families to know they were dating already, starting with Amelia's.
"Exactly!" Arizona crossed her arms and pouted like a child, making Amelia giggle. "I need to make at least a good first impression, Amelia! They're your sisters! What if they don't like me? What if they suddenly realize that I'm not good enough for you and make sure I never see you again? Oh god, this was a horrible, horrible, idea! I don't wanna lose you forever, I love you and I can't–"
"I love you, too." The brunette stopped her from rambling and placed her hands on her hips. "And I know you want this to go perfectly, Arizona. But you have to stop worrying. You won't lose me. That will never happen. Okay? Because I love you. Nobody will ever take me away from you. They don't ever get to judge you. Because I choose you. I will always choose you. Because you're the one for me. The only one." Amelia looks into the blonde's eyes, now filled with love. Arizona couldn't stop her heart from bursting with happiness. This was really happening.
"I will always love you, Amelia." Arizona smiled, with tears in her eyes. "I want you." She pressed her lips against the brunette's, moaning.
"I will never forget that."

Be My Lover
FanfictionAmelia is a newlywed. This has a similar storyline of when Owen wanted kids with Amelia. Amelia runs away from Owen and hides in Arizona's house. Eliza Minnick and Arizona Robbins are dating right after Callie Torres, the love of her life, died in a...