57::Dirty little secrets

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"Dying is easy young man. Living is harder."

-George Washington, Right hand man, Hamilton the musical


"You have to take them!" Jungkook yelled, chasing his unusually energetic cousin around their small apartment.

"I don't wanna!" Kai yelled back.

"If you want to live, you have to take them." Jungkook threatened.

"Maybe I wanna die." Kai yelled back.

"No you don't. Don't say that." Jungkook said as he stopped running after him.

"Yes I do." kai stated, turning towards him.

"Kai, please take your meds." Jungkook sighed.


"Do you want to get better?"

"I don't know." Kai shrugged.

Jungkook sighed, setting the container of pills down. He ran his hands through his hair before sighing again and sitting down.

"Kai, please take your treatments. For me?" Jungkook asked, almost apologetically.

"Fine, for you." Kai sighed, picking up the container off the counter and opening the bottle.

"Thank you." Jungkook sighed.

Jungkook watched Kai take the medication, sluggishly walking out of the room and into his bedroom once he was sure everything was gone. He picked up the phone looking at the time.

"Damn it, I have work." Jungkook sighed standing up.

Jungkook packed his bag and quietly creeped out of his room, wishing he could stay home but knowing he needed the second job. He quietly left, feeling bad for not telling his cousin about what he was doing but having enough common sense to keep it a secret. He couldn't risk Kai getting mad and finding a terrible way to retaliate.


"Let's look this man up." Jimin said to himself as he pulled his laptop out.

He immediately went to google, typing 'Jeon Jungkook' in the search bar. Looking at information about he found out that Jungkook was in fact Taehyung's new lead dancer. As he looked more into Jungkook, he was able to find a private Instagram account and his name was mentioned in an ad for a club.

"Hm, this must be old, this place looks fun though." Jimin thought out loud.


"Oh come on, it's just a club." Jimin laughed as he pulled Somi into the line of a club called 'EXES'.

"I guess." Somi laughed, fixing her incredibly short dress.

They stood in the short line for a few minutes before they were let into the club.

"That didn't take long.'' Jimin smiled, heading straight for the bar.

They drank while watching the dancers move sensually in the slim cages they were placed in.

"Lets dance." Somi yelled into Jimin's ear, pulling him into the middle rowdy crowd.

Once they were into the crowd they headed towards one of the cages just as they were switching out. The duo danced on each other, enjoying one of their rare moments of freedom and down-time. To anyone else, they looked like a couple, but they knew that they were just having fun with each other. Everything was going great until Jimin got a look at the dancer who had switched in.

"We need to leave." He yelled, pulling Somi towards the door, immediately sobering up.

"Why? I was having fun." Somi whined.

"We need to leave." Jimin repeated firmly, not releasing his grip on Somi's arm.

Somi glared at Jimin as she was dragged out of the club. For a few seconds after they exited they were silent, Somi still glaring at Jimin.

"What was that for!?" Somi finally yelled.

"The dancers switched out while we started to dance. I got a look at who it was..." Jimin trailed off, unsure of what he should do.

"So?" Somi asked, confused and still annoyed with being dragged out of the club.

"It was Jungkook." Jimin grimly stated.

"Like.... Jeon Jungkook?" Somi questioned in complete shock.

"Taehyung's lead dancer and boyfriend. That Jeon Jungkook." Jimin clarified.

"Holy shit!" Somi yelled, looking towards the entrance of the club. "We should go in there and confront him!"

"No!" Jimin exclaimed, grabbing Somi's arm before she could do anything stupid.

"Why not!? Jungkook is in there working as a stripper! That can be bad for the company, Taehyung wouldn't want his boyfriend to be a stripper, and he already has an amazing job!"

"But confronting him won't do anything. He won't care what we have to say about it. We're nothing to him" Jimin thoughtfully spoke.

"So what are you saying we should do? We can't just let him continue to do this, Tae would be crushed if he found out Jungkook worked here." Somi remarked.

"We have to tell Taehyung. If Tae confronts him, Jungkook will care."

"Taehyung won't believe us. You're his ex and I already didn't like Jungkook. He's gonna think we're making it up to try and break them up." Somi argued.

"But we have to try. You said it yourself, Tae would be crushed if he saw Jungkook working here." Jimin insisted.

Somi nodded before thinking a bit. "Lets go to the company in the morning."

"No. It's getting close to the holiday break. We have no idea how often Taehyung will be there since people don't work as much during this time unless they have a comeback planned. We have to meet Taehyung somewhere." Jimin countered.

"Shit, I totally forgot about that." Somi replied.

"Do you know when the break starts?" Jimin asked.

"The week of Christmas. Monday the 21st." Somi quickly answered.

"Then Monday the 21st we have to go to him and tell him." Jimin concluded.

"I'll ask him to get lunch with me and you can show up once he's already there." Somi offered.

"That works. Just let me know when and where." Jimin spoke with a sigh

"Alright." Somi agreed.

The friends shared a quick hug before going their separate ways. Both of them continued to think about what they discovered about Jungkook at the club. Somi was set on the idea that Jungkook was just a bad person. She had gotten a bad feeling about him when they met and she figured that this was why. Jimin, on the other hand, was thinking very seriously about it. He knew there had to be a very good reason as to why Jungkook was in that club, but he couldn't think of anything good enough.



On another note, yes there was a small little time skip in there. A couple months have gone by and nothing has really changed. The namjoon and bm situation is the same for now, jk and tae are good, kai is still good.... nothing has really went down anywhere.


Stay safe, stay healthy, and until next time our Baby Crackheads <3

{Word count 1015 without endnote}

{Edited 1-3-2021}

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