41::A Heartbreak Years in the Making

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"If darkness is not really darkness at all, but rather the absence of light, then my flaws are not really flaws at all, but rather the absence of you."
-Christopher Poindexter

Jihoon walked into the room he was called to with his head hung low, a sinking feeling growing in his stomach when he realized Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook sat in the room. He sat down in the only open chair, which was between Yoongi and Hoseok.

"You probably know why we called you here." Namjoon started as soon as the male had sat down.

"Yes," Jihoon mumbled, his hands slightly shaking because of the nerves flowing through his body.

"You will be happy to know that Jungkook has decided against pressing charges against you." Namjoon spoke, Jihoon's head shooting up to first look at Namjoon and then Jungkook, said male already looking at him. Jungkook gave Jihoon a small smile, Jihoon not knowing it was out of sympathy for what was going to happen next.

"If we were Jungkook, we wouldn't have shown you this much mercy and forgiveness." Yoongi started. "And it is for this reason that we have been communicating very much with Jin PD-nim."

"He came to the decision that your action can not go unpunished. We all talked about how to go about this, and we came to the conclusion that if Jungkook wouldn't press charges, the company will." Hoseok revealed, Jihoon's eyes widening as he heard it.

"You will still remain on the tour, purely because we cannot hire someone new while overseas. But, from this point on you will be much more secluded than you are currently, and you will always have at least one member of our security team assigned to be with you at all times. As soon as we get back to Korea, your contract will be officially terminated and the case will begin. The company will give you enough time for you to find yourself a lawyer before moving too far forward. Any questions?" Namjoon vocalized, Jihoon sitting completely numb in his seat as he listened.

"No." he whispered, afraid that if he spoke at a louder volume, the tears he was holding back would spill out.

"Dismissed," Namjoon said, Jihoon getting up and hurrying out of the room.

"You can come out now," Yoongi called.

Taehyung wiggled his way out from behind the extra sound equipment in the room and hurried over to Jungkook, the younger pulling his boyfriend onto his lap.

"That was more stressful than I thought it would be." Jungkook whined, Taehyung turning in his lap to press a kiss to his forehead.

''It's over now though, you don't have to worry about it." Taehyung insured.

"That is until we get back to Korea and I have to start helping with the investigation, or whatever." Jungkook countered.

"Those are just minor and unimportant details." Taehyung countered in a bratty tone, Jungkook chuckling and lightly hitting Taehyung's thigh.

"Ugh, we get it, you're in love. Could you be a little less disgustingly cute?" Namjoon interrupted, everyone's head snapping in his direction.

"Don't listen to Joonie, he's just salty because he's the only single one left out of all of us." Hoseok playfully snapped, Namjoon rolling his eyes and waving him off.

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