73:: I love you

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"Ive loved you all my life, even before i met you. Part of it wasnt even you. It was the promise of you."
"Please, Kai! This entire plan is running on Jungkookie being busy all day!" Taehyung begged.

"What's in it for me?" Kai questioned.

"I'll get Jin hyung to give you guys a long vacation!" Taehyung yelled.

"It's a deal!" Kai exclaimed. "What do I have to actually do, though?"

"You're gonna show up around the end of rehearsal tomorrow. Usually we spend the entire day together when we have concerts but he'll be so excited to see you that he'll agree to spend some time with you before the show. That will give me enough time to work out all of the details with the staff members who need to know. You just need to keep him away from here for at least an hour." Taehyung explained.

"I get to come to the show, right?" Kai questioned.

"Duh!" Taehyung shouted.


"Kai!!" Jungkook yelled.

Everyone froze as Jungkook ran towards his younger cousin. The two hugged for a minute before Jungkook pulled away from the younger.

"Surprise!" Kai sheepishly spoke.

"Shouldn't you be at the company?" Jungkook inquired.

"Jin hyung gave us the night off to come to tonight's show." Kai revealed.

"That's awesome!" Jungkook shouted.

"Do you have any free time before the show?" Kai asked.

"Yeah." Jungkook answered.

"We should go catch up before it starts." Kai proposed.

"Absolutely, I just have to finish up here." Jungkook agreed.

An hour later, Kai and Jungkook sat inside a sushi place catching up. Nothing too interesting had happened for either male, but they caught each other up with the small things and enjoyed each other's company. With Jungkook touring with Taehyung and Kai being a trainee, neither had much free time.

Kai, unsurprisingly, passed his audition with Jinhit a couple years prior. He had come a long way in the two years he was training. He built all of his lost strength back and his vocals grew a lot. There was a group of trainees who had amazing talent and would definitely debut sooner or later. They consisted of Kai, Yeonjun, and Wooyoung as well as Yeosang, Soobin, Beomgyu, and Taehyun. Kai was always at Jinhit training with them and almost never had time for anything else. No one was complaining, but it was very nice for Jungkook to see his younger cousin. Especially on the last night of Taehyung's tour.

The two got so distracted with each other, they almost forgot that Jungkook needed to be back at the stadium before 4:30. Luckily, they made it back at 4:28, meaning Jungkook would have more than enough time to get ready for the show that started at 6:00.

Jungkook hurried into his dressing room with his lovely boyfriend. Taehyung had already started getting ready. The stylist had just started styling his hair when Jungkook entered the room.

"I was starting to get worried." Taehyung said when he saw Jungkook.

"Sorry, me and Kai almost lost track of time." Jungkook quickly apologized.

"It's okay, bun. I knew you would show up eventually." Taehyung assured the younger male as he sat down in his own chair to get styled.


Taehyung's concerts usually follow a fairly strict schedule. They start off with all of the sensual and sexy songs, costume change and all of the high energy and hype songs get performed, another costume change and the sad songs and ballads get done, final costume change and the happy and carefree songs get performed. After the last song, Taehyung will bow with his dancers before they go off stage. Then, Taehyung will bow again by himself, give a short speech, and the concert is over. On the last show, Taehyung will give a small speech while all of the dancers are on stage but then the rest of the normal schedule will ensue.

This show should've been no different, and it appeared that way until almost all the way through. Taehyung bowed with his dancers and went to make his small speech with them still on stage. Usually, this speech would've thanked the dancers for helping to make all of his shows great and then they would leave for the longer speech. But tonight, Taehyung had different plans.

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