60:: The Truth

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"Yes, thanks to god...my life has a goal, much more important than my artistic activities, that is the struggle against Leukemia."
-Jose Carreres
Hoseok sat down on his couch with two Sprites, one for him and one for Yoongi. The two had just finished watching the third movie of the night when Hoseok phone started vibrating on the table. He lazily picked his phone up only to shoot up in his spot on the couch. He quickly answered the call, unsure and worried about what the call would be about.

"Jungkookie?" Hoseok worriedly said into the phone.

There was a slight pause on the other end before he heard someone sigh. "Not Jungkook, someone calling for Jungkook." an unfamiliar voice responded.

"You're gonna have to elaborate. Who are you and why do you have Jungkook's phone?" Hoseok questioned.

"I'm Bambam, I work at a club called 'EXES' with Jungkook. Kim Taehyung was just in here and they were arguing... kind of... and he left and Jungkook is crying a lot. You're the second most used contact after Taehyung so I called you." the man, now known as Bambam, explained.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" Hoseok asked, unsure of the reliability of the random person he was speaking to.

"Do you need to hear him crying!?" Bambam exclaimed, obvious getting agitated with the situation.

"Fine, I'll be there soon. You'll know I'm there when you see a black BMW pull up, meet me outside the club." Hoseok spoke as he put on a pair of slides.

Hoseok hung up the phone and grabbed his keys. At this point Yoongi was unsure of what was going on or what he should do. The elder was sitting on the couch, looking as if he was ready to jump off of it any second.

"I'll be back, something's wrong with Jungkook. I don't really know.... I'll explain when I get back." Hoseok quickly called as he walked out of his house.

Yoongi dumbfoundedly sat on the couch, staring at the door for a couple seconds before deciding to trust his boyfriend. Hoseok on the other hand was stressed and worried. There had to be something seriously wrong for someone else to call him using Jungkook's phone. This is why, as he made his way towards his car, he found himself calling Wooyoung.

"Hobi hyung?" Wooyoung spoke when he answered the call.

"Have you talked to Jungkook at all today?" Hoseok quickly asked.

"No, why?" Wooyoung responded, confusion very obviously laced in his voice.

"Because I just got a call from him but someone else was on the phone and said that he's at some club and Taehyung showed up and they were fighting and now Jungkook's crying." Hoseok quickly explained as he turned off of his street and onto the main road. "I'm on my way there now."

"What, jesus christ. Where is he right now?" Wooyoung demanded.

"At some club, I'm gonna pick him up and take him to his apartment. If you're planning on seeing him tonight just go to his apartment." Hoseok said.

"Okay." Wooyoung agreed before hanging up.


Hoseok arrived back at his house only thirty minutes after he left. As soon as the door opened, Yoongi jumped off of the couch and rushed over to him. Hoseok sighed as he closed the door, leaning on it with a defeated expression on his face. Yoongi paused when he saw Hoseok's dejected state.

"Taehyung broke up with Jungkook." Hoseok mumbled, the sentence feeling weird and unnatural as he said it.

"You're lying!" Yoongi yelled, not believing the words that came out of his boyfriend's mouth.

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