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"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you."



Jungkook and Taehyung stepped out of the elevator hand in hand, Jungkook pouting and Taehyung laughing.

"I'm just saying, I could teach you more english." Taehyung chortled, giving Jungkook's hand a squeeze as they walked towards their room.

They heard a door on the opposite side of the hall open, both men pulling their hands away from each other and snapping their heads in the direction. Thankfully, they found that it was only Namjoon and Hoseok poking their heads out of the doorway, both looking at the younger men in curiosity.

"Get in here!" Namjoon hissed, reaching out to grab either Jungkook or Taehyung, knowing the other would follow behind.

Jungkook ended up being who Namjoon grabbed, Taehyung following behind as Jungkook was dragged into the room. Hoseok closed the door when Taehyung had entered and he pulled Taehyung into the main part of the room, where Yoongi was laying on a bed, phone in hand.

"Spill it!" Hoseok exclaimed happily, Yoongi putting his phone down and turning his attention to what was happening in the room.

"What is it you want to know?" Taehyung asked deviously, raising an eyebrow at his hyungs as he spoke.

"Stop being difficult and tell us if you're dating or not." Yoongi spoke in a monotone voice from across the room, rolling his eyes as he sat up and let his legs dangle off of the side of the bed.

"We are." Taehyung acknowledged briefly, not offering up any more information to his hyungs even though he knew they were about to get heavily questioned.

There were a few seconds of silence before all three of the older men started simultaneously shooting rapid fire questions at the youngest of the group.

"Hyungs! We can't understand you if you all speak at the same time!" Jungkook whined with a small pout on his face, throwing his arms up in distress as he tried to figure out anything that had just been said.

"Look at what you did! You upset my cute little bun!" Taehyung scolded, shooting a glare at the older men while pulling Jungkook's back into his chest and resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"You're cute little what now?" Yoongi asked in incredulity, not believing that Taehyung could be that soft and whipped for someone.

"Bun. My cute little bun." Taehyung repeated, walking towards the other bed and sitting down, pulling Jungkook down with him since he was still holding the younger.

The eldest two in the room just gaped at Taehyung, having never seen this side of him, while Namjoon was only slightly shocked since he had seen this side of Taehyung when he had been with Jimin. Although Namjoon had to admit, Taehyung had somehow managed to fall deeper in with Jungkook than he had with Jimin, and it definitely showed.

"What all nicknames do you two have for each other?" Hoseok asked once he had somewhat collected himself.

"Well," Taehyung started. "I often call him Koo, Bun, Kookie, or Kook. But I suppose now that he's my boyfriend I will also call him babe or baby."

"I call him Tae or Taetae. Plus hyung and babe or baby." Jungkook revealed quickly.

"You called my hyungie earlier." Taehyung teased, poking Jungkook's cheek as Jungkook's face turned a deep shade of red.

"Hyungie!?" Hoseok screeched, starting to jump up and down and clap his hands with a huge smile on his face. "That is the cutest thing I've ever heard!"

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