69::More friends

51 4 0

"The strength of the team in the individual member. The strength of each member is the team."

-Phil Jackson


"Alright everyone, now that you've seen that we don't tolerate any sort of inappropriate behavior, it's time to introduce you to our new dancer," Hoseok announced. "This is Bang Chan."

"Hi, my name is Chan. I'm from Australia and my english name is Christopher or Chris. You may call me whatever you would like," Chan stated. "Oh, and my pronouns are he and him."

The room was filled with 'hi Chan' and 'hi Chris' from the three he didn't know.

"Everyone stand up. For the next couple of weeks, we'll just be relearning choreography so Chan is caught up for whenever our next performance is. Lets stretch and get loose first." Hoseok announced.

For the ten minutes the group followed their normal stretching routine, Chan watching Jungkook so he could follow along. Once they were done, Hoseok got up to get his phone and some water.

"Alright, we're gonna do Winter Bear so get into your places. Chan, you can just watch the first time and we'll run it again after so you can join." Hoseok announced, starting the music once everyone had moved to their spots. Hoseok hurried forward so he could dance Chan's part to help the younger out.

Chan sat to the side by Kai and Yeonjun, who were both too focused on their work to even notice the man beside them. He closely observed the group, mostly watching Hoseok since he would be doing the specific part that the elder was dancing. In a few short minutes, they were done and quickly returned to their starting positions.

"Alright Chan, join us."

Chan got into the same position the rest were in and waited for the music to start. Again the routine was done quickly.

"Alright you did mess up a few times but thats okay, you'll get it in time." Hoseok smiled.


"Hey Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok you guys have a minute?" Jin questioned, entering their practice room at the scheduled ending time.

"Yeah, whats up?" Taehyung asked, approaching him with the others.

"We got a court date for the Jihoon incident, but they need to know if you two want to be present in court or simply submit a statement." Jin explained.

"I don't plan on being in court but I'll happily submit a statement." Jungkook stated.

"Same." Taehyung quickly agreed.

"You have to be there." Jin said to Hoseok, knowing the younger male would try to get out of it even though he knew he needed to be present.

"Okay, Court is February 25 at 10 am, the statements need to be submitted by two weeks before the scheduled date." Jin explained.

"Alright, we'll have them done by then." Jungkook smiled.

Jin nodded then left.

Taehyung and Jungkook then hurried out of the building, almost completely forgetting about the two they had brought with them until Kai called to ask where they were.

"Shit, we forgot about Kai and Yeonjun." Jungkook cursed.

They sat in the car for a few moments in silence waiting for the two to get in the car as they put Kai's wheelchair in the trunk.

"Alright, everyone buckled?" Taehyung asked earning nods from both. "Let's go."


"There's a handicap section over here." the usher explained when he noticed the small group with Kai.

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