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"Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell."

-Paula Bendfeldt


Jungkook woke up feeling more tired than when he went to sleep the night prior. Maybe because he cried himself to sleep or it was seeing the man who made him feel that way again, but Jungkook couldn't tell.

He sat up on his bed deciding to shower and was sleepy from his body, after his shower he would get dressed and quietly leave the house before his mom could notice.

As he walked the streets of Seoul he felt oddly at peace, maybe because he was alone and didn't have to talk to everyone, or because his boss was not far behind him.

"Hey," Taehyung started as he started walking next to him, making the younger one stiffen. "Did you get my text last night?"

Jungkook shook his head, taking out his phone, and sure enough there was a notification with Taehyung's name.

Taehyung: Hey, I just wanted you to know that I didn't kiss you to make you feel uncomfortable, it was just a heat of the moment thing.

Delivered 11:36pm

Jungkook's eyes widened and he felt a pang of sadness rush through his body, even though Taehyung had already basically said that last night.

"Really, Taehyung? I know, you told me last night." Jungkook responded coldly, the older feeling a rush of sadness and confusion.

"Okay, then we're cool?" Taehyung asked, earning a nod from the younger. "Okay..."

They walked in silence the rest of the way to the building neither feeling confident enough to actually say their real feelings despite both of them desperately wanting to.

As they entered they were joined by Hoseok, who was grabbed by Jungkook by the arm and ran him to the men's bathroom, locking the bathroom door behind him.

"What are you doing, Jungkook-" Hoseok started before he heard a sob come from the boy next to him. "Oh my god, what happened?"

"I went out with Tahyung yesterday, and it was kind of like a date and we did couple stuff together and he won me a stuffed bear and we went on the ferris wheel and talked a bit and then i put my head on his shoulder and pushed myself closer to him because i was cold and and-"

"Ok, first of all, you need to breathe. Tell me the rest once you are a little bit calm." Hoseok interrupted, observing Jungkook closely to make sure he did what he was told before speaking.

"Okay," Jungkook continued after a short minute had passed. "So I put my head on his shoulder because I was cold and he asked me what I was doing. I looked up at him to tell him I was cold and we looked at each other for a few minutes before he leaned down and kissed me. And let me tell you, it felt like literal fireworks went off in my entire body. But then when I went to tell him how I felt, he literally got himself as far away from me as possible. He said he was sorry and hoped it didn't affect our relationship already and basically told me I shouldn't have feelings for him. He took me home and I said I had a good time because I did and then I cried for hours. Then on my way to work he joined me and I read a text that he sent me and he basically said it was an accident." the younger one finished, still crying.

"So what I'm getting here is you went on a date, he kissed you and then told you not to have feelings for him, and ran away? Then made it even worse by saying it was an accident." Hoseok asked, summing up what he heard.

"Essentially." Jungkook replied, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I know what you could do about it but I'm not gonna let you do that. Just try and stay as normal around him as you can and just try being his friend." Hoseok advised.

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