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"Don't pretend and claim you know me, don't judge me on the basis of your thinking about me, when actually you don't know anything special, but just a little part about me that I shared with you..."

~Atisha Nagar

Jungkook woke up with a foot in his face. He chuckled and sat up, pushing the foot away from his face and decided to take a cold shower to wake himself up. After showering he got dressed for the day and made a few pancakes for Kai. He left a little note so the younger knew where he was, just in case he needed him.

Once he finished the note he went to his room to pack his bag. As soon as he was ready to go he grabbed his bag and a bottle of cold water, leaving his house and locking the door.

He began jogging to the building that was just a few blocks away from where he lived. On his way there a car beeped at him and the passenger rolled down their window and yelled,

"Jungkook, get in the car with me! You're gonna tire yourself out if you run to work everyday."

Jungkook looked over to lock eyes with none other than Kim Taehyung. Annoyed he sped up, trying to get away for the person generously trying to give him a ride. Taehyung sped up too, catching up to him in less than a second.

Rolling his eyes, he looked back up at Taehyung. "No, it's ok Taehyung. It helps me stay in shape, and I'm not running, I'm jogging."

"Just get in the car," Taehyung said firmly, getting annoyed at the others attitude. He stops the car only to glare at Jungkook, waiting for him to get in the car.

"I said no, Taehyung," Jungkook said just as firmly, then started his jog to the building again leaving Taehyung dumbfounded.

Jungkook reached the building a few seconds before Taehyung. He looked at the car and then walked inside the building with an annoyed expression. Taehyung saw the look Jungkook gave him and wondered why him asking him to get in the car made him so mad.

Jungkook entered the building only to be joined by Hoseok.

"Hey, Jungkook." Hoseok said, smiling widely at the younger male.

"Hey, Hobi hyung." Jungkook replied, grinning.

"What are you doing here so early?"

"I thought this was the time I was supposed to come in..." Jungkook took his phone out of his pocket to look at the schedule.

"No, you're supposed to be here after twenty minutes," Hoseok said, still smiling. "But it's okay. Anyways, you look annoyed. What's on your mind?"

"Well, I was jogging here today so I didn't have to do it with my workout later, and Tae pulled up to me and demanded I got in his car even after I said that it was better for me to travel by foot to work. I told him no, but he still insisted, so I basically told him to fuck off but without swearing."

"Well, maybe he was trying to be nice?" Hoseok suggested.

"I know he was trying to be nice. But I had already politely declined. He didn't need to push it. I don't live that far, I just wanted to jog here. P-please dont fire me." Jungkook said, tears starting to roll down his cheeks. "I really need this job. Please, I didn't mean to be so rude to him, I just don't like being forced to do something I don't want to."

"Hey hey, don't worry about it. I'm not gonna let Tae fire you even if he wants to. He's just as stubborn. So even if he tries to, I'll make sure you stay." Hoseok assured the younger.

Unknown to the pair, Taehyung had heard the whole conversation, taking note that Jungkook needed the job and that he didn't like being told what to do.

"Jungkook," Taehyung said, catching the younger's attention. "I wasn't gonna fire you. I was just gonna ask you why I made you so mad by telling you to get in the car with me."

"WellI guess you already know, then." Jungkook shrugged, walking into the studio while wiping his tears away.

Hoseok looked at Taehyung and shook his head in disappointment. Taehyung's jaw dropped.

"What did I do?" Taehyung asked himself, still confused.

He walked into the room and looked at the pair. "I'm sorry if you thought I was eavesdropping, it's just we literally walked together and got here seconds apart."

"Oh, you think we thought you were eavesdropping? We would never. We thought you should mind your own business, but never, never did we think you were eavesdropping." Hoseok replied sarcastically.

"Hobi hyung, it's no use. He's gonna do what he wants anyways." Jungkook said sheepishly while stretching.

"Why not Jungkook? Because it's okay to have your private conversations listened to if you are in public? Or because he's your boss and can fire you when he feels like it? Because he's sure as hell not my boss. I work under Kim Seokjin, owner of the company. Jin wouldn't stoop as low as to do-" Hoseok started to argue.

"NO! You don't need to because it's not worth it. Yeah, he is my boss, but if he wants to think he can do whatever the hell he wants because he's rich and took a liking to a random kid who couldn't do much for the people around him, not even himself. Let him, for all I care! If that's what he thinks I am, then he can have that opinion. He didn't even try to get to know me, you did. So don't get your panties in a twist about him if he thinks he knows me, cause that's his fault." Jungkook cut him off, leaving both the other men in the room shocked as he started stretching again.

"I-I didn't know you felt that way..." Taehyung wasn't sure what he should say.

"Of course you didn't. You know nothing about me, other than the fact that I'm a good dancer and I'm 'shy' for the most part." Jungkook said rudely, putting air quotes around shy. "I'm an introvert. Learn the difference."

Hoseok storted then started stretching as well. Leaving a dumbstruck Taehyung to stand by himself in the middle of the studio.

"Hey everyone," Hoseok said as the other dancers started to enter.

"Hey, Hoseok hyung." they all replied in monotone voices.

"Aww what's got everyone down today?" Hoseok said with a smile on his face. "I know what will make it better! Let's do freestyle warm up!"

"What? Hyung we aren't babies!" Momo protested in disbelief.

"Nah fuck that. We can test Mr. Lead." Jihoon said smugly.


Welllllllcome back- we are back and better than ever >:)

Don't expect much tho- we do be tired-


Stay safe, stay healthy, and until next time our Baby Crackheads <3

{1047 words without endnote}

{Edited 5-29-2020}

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