03:: Dreams Come True

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"Soon enough you'll find yourself in the shoes you always imagined yourself to be in." -Bryanne


They walked closer and stood in the back of the crowd, hearing one of Taehyung's songs. The dancers were dancing the choreo perfectly.

The song they were dancing to was called Singularity. It's Taehyung's favorite song that he has ever sang. He watched in awe as the group danced perfectly to the rhythm, not missing a single step and doing it all with stage presence that was probably better than any of his dancers.

One certain boy caught his eye. He moved closer to Hoseok so he could talk to him.

"What do you think of that boy with the red shirt on?" Hoseok said once he noticed Taehyung was next to him, never taking his eyes off of the dancers.

"That's who I came to talk to you about." Taehyung stated smiling. "I think he has potential to not just be a backup dancer, but take Jimin's spot as lead back up."

"We will see," Hoseok said, finally turning to Taehyung. "But I was thinking the exact same thing."

Taehyung smiled in response, turning back to the dancers to watch the end of the performance. Even though it was his choreography, he was entranced by watching the group dancing. Especially the one in the red shirt. He was so hypnotized by his smooth movements, he almost failed to notice everyone started clapping when the group had finished. All of a sudden one of the dancers came up to him.

"Hello Mr. Kim." she said and smiled at him. "It's an honor that you watched our performance."

"Uh- my pleasure." He replied sheepishly.

By now, the crowd had, for the most part, left. Now, there were only a few people from the crowd, the dancers, Taehyung and his team left. Taehyung looked up to see Hoseok walk up to them. He bowed slightly to the lady.

"Could you by any chance tell us the name of the dancer in the red shirt?" he asked her.

"Uh- that's Jungkook, why?" she answered.

"We were interested in talking to him."

"About what?" she asked.

"We see great potential in him. We're interested in asking him to be a backup dancer for Kim Taehyung." Hoseok said, slightly looking in Taehyung's direction so the girl would also see him.

Taehyung only nodded, and started walking towards the boy whose name he finally knew.

"Jungkook." he started, startling the boy.

"Um, do I know you?" he asked nervously, biting his lip.

"Not personally, you might have heard of me before though." Taehyung answered smiling. "I'm Kim Taehyung. I need a new backup dancer. We were on our way to a dance studio, but you caught our eyes.Would you be interested in taking a job as my backup dancer?"

Jungkook's eyes widened and he stood frozen in his spot, barely breathing as he took in what was happening. His idol, Kim Taehyung, wanted him to be his backup dancer.

"You don't have to answer right now." Taehyung started, seeing the boy's nervousness. "Take Hoseok's card, he's the choreographer, and think about it. Call at some point by the end of the day tomorrow with your answer."

Jungkook was left dumbfounded. Taehyung walked up to Hoseok to get a card, going back to Jungkook and giving it to him and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Jungkook yelled, running up to Taehyng. "Mr Kim!"

"Yes?" Taehyung asked, turning around to face Jungkook.

"I'll do it." Jungkook said breathlessly.

Taehyung smiled in response. "Well jungkook, why don't you come back to Jinhit with us and we can get you an application so Kim PD-nim knows why you are dancing with us and so you can be paid."

"Um, I guess I can come," he said quietly after a long pause.

Taehyung showed off his boxy smile, Yoongi coming over once he heard the response.

"Well, I can guarantee you're getting the job, so let's just go over this stuff now." Yoongi said, pulling Jungkook ahead of the group, knowing all of them would whine and complain about having to hear the speech he had to go through before hiring anyone.

"So in short. You can not give away any information about any of the idols. If you do so you will be fired and sued. The company does not take that stuff lightly. You may ask for numbers of the idols but, if they say no that's the final answer. They are to report any staff if they are asked more than once after saying no. You will be fired if you ask more than once. You will have a locker in one of the dance studios for stuff that you need to use for dance everyday. For performances you will get the same treatment as the idol for wardrobe and makeup." Yoongi finished just as they got to the building.

As the group walked back to Jinhit Labels, Taehyung and Hoseok both wore smiles, Hoseok smiling because they had found a new dancer who was really good, Taehyung smiling because, well, he doesn't quite know why.

Namjoon, on the other hand, was deep in his thoughts as they made their way back to the building. Something about the way Taehyung was acting towards Jungkook, it was weird to him. But very familiar, it was almost exactly how he was when he met Jimin, except Jungkook seemed much shyer than Jimin. The two didn't have the same connection that Jimin and Taehyung did when they first met, but Namjoon could tell that whatever connection was there was not normal.

They entered the building and walked straight to Kim PDs office. Knocking before hearing a quiet, 'come in.'

"We found a new backup dancer!" Hoseok exclaimed as soon as the door was opened.

"Who?" Jin asked curiously, looking up from the papers on his desk.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist and pulled him forward. "This is Jungkook." he said happily. "He's really good."

Jin looked at Jungkook, his stare slightly scaring the young male, "Well, dance then." Jin said bluntly.

"Like right now?" Hoseok asked.

"Did I stutter?"

"N-no." Hoseok replied.

"Then yes, now!" Jin exclaimed, making everyone's eyes widen as they processed what was happening.

Jungkook took his wrist out of Taehyung's hold and moved to an open space in the room and started a freestyle dance to no music.

Everyone watched in awe, partially because of Jungkook's great dancing, and partially because he actually started dancing in the middle of Jin's office.

"Welcome to the company," Jin said standing up once Jungkook finished. "I'm Kim Seokjin."

Jungkook's eyes widened as he realized that he had just gotten the job he's wanted for years, doing his dream job for his idol.

"Thank you so much." Jungkook said, bowing at Jin with a huge smile, bunny teeth showing.


Woooooow, did you guys like this?

We'd ask if you saw that coming, but you probably did-


Stay safe, stay healthy, and until next time our Baby Crackheads <3

{1143 words without end note}

{Edited 5-21-2020}

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