19:: Sushi

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"Hard work should be rewarded with good food."
-Ken Follett
Jungkook woke up early to the sound of his alarm blaring in his ear. He quickly remembered that today was the day he finally went back to Jinhit. Three days isn't much, but it felt like an eternity to Jungkook. He took a quick shower, anticipating the moment he finally got back into the building, and went to leave as soon as he was ready, only to be stopped by his mother calling him.

"Yes, Eomma?" Jungkook asked, trying to hide his exasperation.

"Don't you want a pancake before you leave??" she asked sweetly, motioning towards the food she was making

"No. They have food for us there." Jungkook lied, starting to feel antsy in his rush to get back to work

"Well at least get some tea." she said firmly, suspecting her son was lying but not wanting to pester him too much

"Fine, I'm coming." Jungkook said, walking back to the kitchen to grab the thermos his mom was holding out to him. "Thank you, Eomma, love you." 

"Love you too. Make sure you eat." she said firmly.

"I will." Jungkook replied, smiling as he finally walked out the door.

He walked to work like normal, an obvious bounce in his step as he did so. He sipped on his strawberry tea, trying to savor the drink he loves so much. As he turned onto the street the building was on, he was joined by someone.

"Hey, Jungkook." a bright and happy voice said.

"Hey, Tae. What are you doing?" Jungkook asked, confused as to why Taehyung was currently walking with him but a bit nervous to question it.

"Walking to work with you." Taehyung replied simply, flashing his boxy smile at the younger male.

"Oh, okay." Jungkook said, blushing as he took another sip of his tea.

"What are you drinking?" Taehyung asked, looking curiously at the thermos in Jungkook's hand.
"Strawberry tea. My mom made it." Jungkook answered, sighing as he thought about his overbearing but loving mom.

"Oh cool. Is it good?" Taehyung asked, eager to talk to Jungkook for the first time in three days.

"Yeah, here have a sip." Jungkook said, holding the thermos out to Taehyung, making the latter blush as he accepted it. Taehyung took a small sip, eyes lighting up as the liquid landed on his tongue, and gave the thermos back to Jungkook

"Mmm that's good." he said once he had swallowed the drink, a slight blush still covering his cheeks.

"Yeah, but I only have it when my mom makes it. I never like it when anyone else makes it." Jungkook said, staring at his feet before locking eyes with Taehyung, then back to the sidewalk ahead of him.

"Well, if it's good I don't see why you should settle for anything else." Taehyung said, slightly chuckling as he observed Jungkook being shy.

Jungkook giggled, Taehyung turning a darker shade of red as he heard the noise escape Jungkook. The rest of the walk was silent, neither knowing exactly what to say next, but the silence still being comfortable for both of them. When they entered the building, an upbeat Hoseok joined them.

"Hey, Jungkook! Glad you're back." Hoseok said, huge smile on his face.

"Yes, he's in a good mood now!" Taehyung exclaimed, releasing a relieved sigh, Hoseok roughly smacking Taehyung in the arm

"What do you mean? He wasn't in a good mood when I wasn't here?" Jungkook asked, genuinely confused at the information he had just heard.

"Well that's an understatement. We weren't allowed to talk for all three days." Taehyung said, laughing as Hoseok tried to hit him again, but hiding on the opposite side of Jungkook.

"That's a little extreme," Jungkook said laughing and turning to Hoseok. "Did you really do that?"

"Well, they got on my last nerve on the first day, so I told them they could not talk until further notice." Hoseok said, shrugging as if he had just said the most obvious thing in the world.

The group continued to laugh and talk as they walked through the building, the conversation lasting until they reached the already populated studio, everyone inside shocked to see Hoseok in a good mood.

"Jungkookie's back!" Taehyung exclaimed happily, dramatically throwing his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and giving him a slight side hug.

"Get to your Winter Bear spots!" Hoseok said enthusiastically, clapping his hands a few times after he had finished speaking.

Taehyung and Jungkook threw their bags to the side, rushing to their spots with the rest of the dancers. The music started as soon as they got in their spots, Hoseok starting the music before they got in their first pose, making it extremely difficult to dance the first part. Despite this, they managed to complete the dance, getting water and sitting down for a few minutes before they had to move in.

"Jungkookie and Tae, you're up. We're running Stigma." Hoseok announced.

"What?! Jungkook got that?!" Mark exclaimed, clearly upset about what Hoseok had just said.

"Yes, he did. I would have told you about at least a week ago if you got it." Hoseok said, rolling his eyes, making the other dancers laugh at Mark's expense.

"I'm just saying, he didn't even try out for that spot." Mark muttered angrily, getting increasingly annoyed with the situation.

"And who would have got it if Jimin was still here?" Momo asked Mark sarcastically.

"Sure as hell not you." Chungha laughed, joining in on the conversation

"It's still not fair." Mark grumbled as he sat down against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, his displeasure clear as glass.

The duo, amused at the conversation they were listening to, finally got in their places, the music starting as soon as Taehyung and Jungkook got into their first positions. All of the dancers watched in awe at the beautiful dancing that was happening in front of them, Taehyung and Jungkook being amazing partners. The two had such great chemistry and they danced very well together, even Hoseok was in awe as he watched the two do it.

"That's why he chose Jungkook, dummy." Chungha whispered in Mark's ear, making the latter blush out of embarrassment.

When they finished, everyone clapped at their flawless dancing, shocked that Jungkook was such a great dancer and that the two of them looked so good together.

"Now you see why he's the lead." Hoseok said brightly, smirking in Mark's direction.

They ran the rest of their dances once, the rehearsal one of their last before Taehyung's comeback. Despite most of the dancers welcoming Jungkook and treating him as if they were friends, Jungkook still didn't want to hang around in the studio after practice. Taehyung was slightly disappointed when he looked around and didn't see Jungkook, but he quickly covered his disappointment with a slight smile.

On Jungkook's way back home, he stopped by his favorite sushi place and ordered what he believed to be the best sushi in all of Seoul. He also ordered enough for Kai, knowing Kai would try to eat all of his if he didn't buy the younger some of his own.

He quickly got his sushi and continued his walk home with the dull hum of noise around him, not paying much attention to anything going on around him.

"I'm home!" He yelled as soon as he got in the door, hearing no reply from his cousin. "And I have sushi."

Jungkook heard footsteps running towards him, and he saw Kai round the corner, a huge smile on his face and mumbling something about food. Laughing at the boy, he gave Kai his portion, receiving a smile in response and going to the table to eat his own food.


Well that was a rollercoaster of a chapter. 
Not really, it was just a filler sort of chapter.


Stay safe, stay healthy, and until next time our Baby Crackheads <3

{1289 words without endnote}

{Edited 6-11-2020}

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