16:: Jealousy

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"Never hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy. They're the ones who think you are better than them."
After the two finished their meal and paid, Taehyung offered to take Jungkook home. Jungkook was a bit hesitant at first, but when he saw the cute and pleading look in Taehyung's eyes, he agreed.

And this is how Jungkook and Taehyung ended up back in Taehyung's car together, talking and laughing about stupid things.

"So San has a friend who puts milk before cereal!?" Jungkook yelled, wearing a look of shock and disapproval.

"Yes! It's so weird. His friend insists that it's better so then the cereal stays crunchy!" Taehyung replied, one hand on the wheel as he made dramatic motions in the air with the other.

"What's his friend's name? If I ever meet him I must scold him." Jungkook said firmly, Taehyung finding this cute and laughing at the younger.

"I'm pretty sure it's Hongjoong." Taehyung spoke thoughtfully.

"I'll just ask San later." Jungkook complained, rolling his eyes at Taehyung's information that may or may not have been right.

Taehyung's mood automatically took a noticeable downward spiral at Jungkook mentioning his best friend. No matter how much he hated to admit it, he was jealous that San seemed to be closer to Jungkook than he was. And Jungkook noticed the sudden change in mood.

"What's wrong, Tae?" Jungkook asked softly.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Taehyung replied bitterly

They soon got to Jungkook's house after a long and painful silence.

"Thank you Tae, this was fun. We should do it again some time." Jungkook said, shyly smiling at his feet.

Taehyung couldn't help but softly smile at Jungkook's words, but he still couldn't manage to get anything else out. Jungkook, still staring at his feet, failed to notice Taehyung's smile and thought he had done something to anger the elder.

"Well I'll just go into my house and take care of Kai..." Jungkook said rocking on his heels and turning around.

"Wait, Jungkook!" Taehyung said, the younger turning around, his eyes wide and somewhat innocent. "I had a lot of fun too." He finished with a smile

"Great." Jungkook said, smiling widely and shutting the door, then turning to run into the building.

Once Jungkook was out of sight, Taehyung let out a loud sigh and rested his head on the steering wheel.

"Idiot." Taehyung mumbled to himself before lifting his head and pulling out of the parking lot.
As he drove himself back to his own house, he rethought everything that had happened on his unofficial date with Jungkook.

"You idiot! Why did you get jealous because of San!?" Taehyung shouted angrily to his car. He knows he has no reason to be jealous. So what, he has a small crush on Jungkook? They aren't together, so he can't get mad at San for being friends with the boy. But he is. He knows San is a huge flirt and that lots of people mistake his stupid flirting for real feelings. He knows everyone falls for San. He doesn't want Jungkook to fall for San.

He knows it's selfish to think like that. He doesn't own Jungkook. If he's being honest, he barely even knows Jungkook. But the thought of Jungkook possibly having feelings for anyone that isn't him makes his blood boil.

Pulling into the parking garage of his building, he calmly shut his car off and shut the door. He walked to the elevator located in the middle of said parking garage and rode it to the top floor, walking into his penthouse and dejectedly flopping onto his couch.

"What are you doing to me, Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung asked his empty house, his voice very slightly echoing through the room.

Feeling restless, Taehyung pulled his phone out of his pocket. After much deliberation, he decided he wanted to call Jungkook and plan their next dat-

'Hangout.' Taehyung firmly reminded himself in his head.

He clicked on the boy's contact and called him. He was shocked and slightly concerned when it automatically went to voicemail. He called again, hoping the outcome would be different, for the exact same thing to happen.

Taehyung: I know we just saw each other and everything, but I wanted to take you up on your offer to hang out again. I just wanted to figure something out
Delivered 5:13 pm

Taehyung then put his phone in his pocket, knowing that staring at it wouldn't make Jungkook reply faster, and stood up.

He decided to put his phone in his room on his charger and go into his home studio. He sat in his desk chair and put his headphones on. He got his sound board out from his drawer and hooked it up to mess around with backing sounds.

After messing around for a bit he started recording for a real backing track. He finished a backing track that he liked and emailed it to Yoongi so the male could listen to it when he had a chance. He put his soundboard away and went to his writing folder, made a new file, and started writing whatever came to his mind.

'Your faint voice that grazes me
Please call my name one more time
Even if I'm standing still under the frozen sunset
I want to walk one more step towards you
Still with you
In a dark room with no light
It shouldn't feel familiar
But it's familiar
I can hear quietly
The air conditioner sound
If I don't even have this
I really think I will fall apart
We laugh and cry together
These simple feelings
Seems like they were everything to me
When will it be
When i face you again
I want to look into your eyes and tell you
I've missed you
Inside the blissful memory
Even if i dance by myself, the rain pours down
By the time this fog clears
I'll come running on my wet feet
Then, hold me
That moon looked lonely
Because I felt like it was crying brightly in the night sky
Even when I know the morning will come someday
I wanted to remain in your sky like a star
That one day, that moment
If I had know this would happen
I would've absorbed it more
When will it be
When I face you again
I want to look into your eyes and tell you
I've missed you
Inside the blissful memory
Even if I dance by myself, the rain pours down
Inside the blissful memory
Even if I dance by myself, the rain pours down
By the time this fog clears
I'll come running on my wet feet
Then, hold me
Behind your faint smile when you look at me
I want to paint a purple light
Our footstep may not coincide
But I want to walk this path with you
Still with you'

(song- Still with you By JK)

»»——⍟——««Why hello there😏How yall been? You loving Taes anger issues? 😂
Stay safe, stay healthy, and until next time our Baby Crackheads <3

{1151 words without endnote}

{Edited 6-7-2020}

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