|48|Sweet Moments|

114 9 5

Skylee P.O.V

After school, all way back home, there was a ghost of a smile playing on my lips. I stared out of the window, looking at the hustle-bustle of the city. When apparently, I was lost in my thoughts, rereading his letter in my mind, over and over again, and smiling at some certain parts. Strangely, I had already memorized every word by heart.

"Skylee?" Someone shook my shoulder and I frowned at the intruder of my beautiful thoughts.

I turned my head from the window to glare at her. "What's wrong, Rosalyn?" I asked.

"Asks the girl who is smiling obnoxiously while we are stuck in city traffic for some twenty minutes." She smirked.

At this, I actually looked out of the window and bit my tongue at the realization. Oops! We were indeed stuck in between some heavy traffic.

"So what? I was wondering." I said, giving her my signature straight face.

"Of course." She chuckled and added, "May I ask what's going on in your mind that you're smiling and blushing nonstop?"

I glared at her. "It's nothing."

"Okay. You can hide it for all you want but don't forget my boyfriend is one of them who knows how to dig out information."

"Mhmm hmm. Good luck then." I winked.

I know I could tell her right away and she would be squealing all the way home but what would be the fun in it? I grinned when she huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest rather cutely yet angrily. My bodyguards looked at me and I gave them the same skeptical look.

Irritating and messing, these two characteristics were always my thing.

The whole day passed in a blur as nothing unusual happened other than me, zoning out the whole time here and there

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The whole day passed in a blur as nothing unusual happened other than me, zoning out the whole time here and there. I was thinking too much about him. I didn't know why I so badly wanted to see him when we just met a few hours ago in school.

He hadn't come home because his team had decided to stay after school to practice one more time. I couldn't help but wonder what if too much practice would result in fatigue? He shouldn't be practicing too much. At some point, I thought to call him but denied it.

I felt like a crazy girlfriend waiting for his boyfriend. I cringed at this thought because I didn't want to be a typical, jealous, controlling, and demanding girlfriend. I wanted to be someone whom he could trust and of course, I wanted him to be someone whom I could trust. Trust was the main thing I want in our relationship because when there is trust, the rest of the things come along.

With this thought, I came downstairs and turned on the LCD to watch something. Rosalyn was up in her room while my bodyguards were in the study room doing who knows what. And it was only 6 in the evening.

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