|14|Night Adventure|

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Skylee P.O.V

"THAT FREAKING CACTUS!" I whispered yelled as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had worn black jeans with a black crop-top, revealing a tiny part of my stomach. Paring it with black sneakers while my hair was tied up in a high tail. I was looking like a burglar ready to rob a bank.

Why the hell I even listened to him?

Why the hell I even slapped him!

Damn that stupid dare! How dare he even touched me with his dirty hands??? Why the hell I felt so... So... Compelled? When he touched me it felt as if, I melted like ice cream. Agrhhhh!!!!!! And I hate that feeling!

I picked the perfume bottle in an attempt to throw it on the floor but stopped midway. Because it would create noise and might happened to awake Asli and bodyguards. I still couldn't understand why the hell was I listening to him and going?

I shouldn't have accepted his challenge. How bad it would have been for not submitting work? Might be detention or something worse? Damn it! But now I had no choice left but to wait for his message.

Of course, it was the first time a guy came this close to me. It wasn't a lie if I said his proximity did something strange to me. Even his eyes had a hypnotizing charm in them, a charm that would let you forget everything around you. And that strange muscular scent around him knew how to invade all my senses but I held my guard high.

It took all my strength to maintain a poker face at that time but when he clasped his arms around my waist, damn, I couldn't stop the heat that crawled up to my face. It felt like I got so many knots in my stomach, a weird burning sensation appeared and my toes curled at the same time. Not to forget the electricity which ran through my whole body.

It never happened before because Skylee Kingston knew how to maintain her distance from jerks like him but this jerk just knew how to always interrupt my personal space.

The ting sound broke my thoughts and made me frowned as I looked at the ID of the message sender. It showed 'Cactus', of course, I changed the name he saved. He sent a location. I looked at it and stopped the urge to scream in frustration.

I was still under 18 and my birthday had a month to go. It means I didn't have a proper driving license but a junior driving license. I knew how to drive, thanks to my Baba and all the training classes I had taken.

I looked at the message and frowned. Then I furiously typed the reply and sent him.

Me: Idiot, how I'm supposed to come there?

Cactus: Why? Don't you have a car?

Me: Hit your head with a wall, genius! You're right, I should use my car and let my bodyguards come along with me.

Cactus: Then take a ride from an online Taxi service like Uber.

Argh!!! My brows creased as I read it. I never used a Taxi before besides I didn't know how to call a ride online. So...

Me: I'm not coming.

I smirked as the next message pop up on the screen.

Cactus: Fine... I've already got one, just send me your location.

I send him the location and smirked. I didn't know why, but I was kind of already enjoying this little night adventure.

Coming towards my bed, I settled the pillows in shape like I was sleeping there and covered them with the duvet. Then I checked my backpack, it had everything like my phone, few dollars, extra keys to the house, my junior driving license, and a chilly pepper spray bottle: for hours of need.

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