|36|Helen Outburst|

104 12 1

Skylee P.O.V

"Who boys?" I asked.

"Eric, Zack, and Owen," Number 1 replied. My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Eric's name.

Number 1 added, "They want to talk with you all."

"Why... Why are they here?" Helen whispered. I looked at her face which was dripping in worry and fear. I bit my lip lower as I contemplated the situation to figure out what to do.

"Are they drunk?" Rosalyn asked, making us snapped our heads in her direction. As if sensing our glares, she added with a shrug, "Zack told me they are going to club 4 hours ago."

"No, they aren't. They are waiting in the lounge, you guys can come if you want otherwise I'd love to kick them out." And I didn't know why but I glared at him.

Because he wanted to kick a particular person too. Sometimes, I really, like really hate that voice of reason.

"We are coming. Dismiss." I glared at him. He nodded and gave me a knowing amused look before he left. Shaking my head, I turned my attention back to the girls.

"If you don't want to go. That's alright," Rosalyn said, caressing Helen's arm in a comforting manner.

"No, that's not alright." I glared at her and turned to Helen whose face was practically pale. This poor girl was scared to face him after what happened three days ago. But hiding wasn't the way to beat our fears.

"You are meeting him. Why won't you? Are you afraid of him?" I asked. She remained silent as her gaze moved downward and said otherwise. I sighed a little disappointedly.

"But Skylee, if she is not comfortable to meet him then she doesn't have to meet him," Rosalyn said and I gave her a 'shut up!' glare.

"Helen, this is your house, right? So technically you should be the one asking them of their uninvited arrival here, not we, right?" I tried a diplomatic way. 


"Don't worry he won't eat you and if he tries. I have two bodyguards who will kick him to Venus gladly." I smirked with an evil glint in my eyes.

She whispered a small 'okay' and nodded her head. Taking a sharp breath in, she moved out of the room and we followed her, not before Rosalyn said, "You will do this dare another time." And I rolled my eyes at her.

I didn't know why but as we stepped closer to the stairs, I became excited for no reason. As if, I desperately wanted to see a person. A person who had soft brown hair and annoyingly gorgeous grey eyes. I bit the smile that was threatening to break down on my lips.

Helen grabbed my hand tightly as we made our way towards the three people sitting in the lounge. They stood up when they noticed us. While my heartbeat quickened looking at him who was looking at me with a gaze that could be described as longing and another unspoken emotion. A shiver ran down my spine and unable to hold his gaze, I looked away.

My bodyguards were standing at some distance from us, observing everything silently.

Helen's hold tightened on my hand, making me look at her as her hold was a little hurting me now, but it seemed like she needed my hand to stand still otherwise she would faint. Her face told everything and Owen's face turned guilty and apologizing looking at her scary cat face.

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