|35|A Talk Of Heart|

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Skylee P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night and sat on the bed. Stretching my neck, I looked at the time. It was 2 AM. I rubbed my eyes as I looked at the side table for water but the water jug was empty. Picking the jug, I hopped out of the bed and went out of the room to get myself some water.

After coming to Helen's house, Rosalyn started her motherly lecture on her, like for not taking enough care of herself and always ending up in trouble. She reminded me of Mum. I smiled at her as she continued to lecture her and only stopped when Helen fainted.

Yes, she fainted. And we freaked out. When we checked her, she was burning with a high fever. We immediately called the Doctor, who prescribed her proper rest and medication. After he left, Rosalyn burst into tears, apologizing to her for not behaving like a true friend, and doubting her.

When I didn't get what was happening. I silently left the room and made my way downstairs to the kitchen to cook Mum's special soup for her. Mum always cooked that soup for me whenever I got a fever. That soup always had a magical effect on me and I was sure it would work on her, too.

When I made my way back with the soup, they both looked at me like I was an alien. I just shrugged at them and made her finish the soup. After that, Rosalyn helped her take the meds, and soon after she fell asleep.

After that, Rosalyn showed me the whole house, it was a simple and elegant house. Everything was just so perfect that it screamed class. She also told me that Helen was her best friend but last year after an incident, they stopped talking to each other. Through, she missed her a lot but never tried to talk with her again.

I wanted to ask what kind of an incident, but she didn't reveal the details and I didn't ask. Then she went to sleep in Helen's room in case if she needed something at night. My bodyguards, who were extremely amused at my behavior went to one of the extra rooms and I came to the other room to sleep.

I stepped into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. There was a deadly silence prevailed in the whole house. That explained how I heard a faint sob from a distance as if someone was crying. After gulping down the whole glass of water, I came out into the lounge.

The sobs got louder as I looked at the wall door that was attached to the lawn of the house. I made my way there, the cold air hit my face and I shivered as I sat beside her.

"Why are you still up? You should be resting now. Rosalyn will get mad if she sees you here and then I'll have to hear her lecture, too," I said, doing a useless attempt to cheer her up.

"You know what, it hurts. Looking at the person daily you've lost your heart. And in return, he just hates you. The hate in his eyes shatters my heart every second. And I pity myself because I'm not at fault but he never heard me... My pleads...  My explanation. I tried, again and again, but he never wanted to hear me. Did he ever love me? Did he never believe me? What was my fault?" She again sobbed.

I just heard her silently and looked at the dark sky. Though, I did not understand what was she saying and whom she was talking about. Sometimes, people didn't need advises or answers to their questions but another person to hear them out, to let them share their all grieves.

"That day, that guy was forcing himself on me. He had pinned me against my will and I was silently praying someone will come and save me. But when Owen came, he didn't hear me. He just believed what he saw from his side and concluded I was cheating on him. I swear, I could never ditch him even my dreams, but that day, he didn't believe me. He broke my heart in so many pieces that I am still collecting them, one by one, every day." She chuckled humorlessly.

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