|07|Salty Chocolate|

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Eric P.O.V

I watched as she sat down in her black Bugatti and sped off. I waited there for several seconds and stared in the direction where her car had disappeared.

I don't know what was happening to me. I had never felt this foreign before. Like I didn't know what was going on inside my head. She was the girl who had given me so many restless nights yet when I saw her in the class, I couldn't resist staring at her. She felt like a hallucination.

It was Zack who put me back in reality. I chuckled at this game of fate. God, I was looking for her everywhere and she happened to end up in front of me.

But the unknown feeling which I assumed happiness didn't last for long when I remembered the reason behind her look after. She fucking slapped me in front of the whole club. I still didn't know as to why the hell did she slap me?

I watched her every move during the class. She was sitting with Rosalyn – my twin sister. She even peeked at me from time to time, and I made sure to smirk back at her, giving a hint of not sparing her.

I was so determined to know why she did that?

My enthusiasm flew away when I talk to her and the way she responded. God, this girl had the guts to mess with me. Damn it, because of her I ended up with detention! And it was enough to vanish all the stupid feelings in a second. It was my freaking first detention in all these years.

I groaned in annoyance and trudged towards my car – a red Ferrari. I sat inside and revived the engine to drive back home.

This girl was messing with my brain cells, it seemed like all the neurons were sending wrongs signals to my brain.

Eric Xander got detention just because of a wild kitten. She was nothing but a threat to my reputation. I had put many pranks on almost every student but never have I got a single complaint. I had a reputation to maintain and seemed like she came with a mission to detain it.

Even, she challenged me to find out about her. 'This is not going to work like that! Girls are supposed to fall for me not to fight with me.'

Once I reached home, I threw my bag frustratedly on the floor and bounce on the couch. I closed my eyes to calm my nerves. I had to do something about her before she officially became a threat. She would taste this apple of discord.

"Hey! What are you thinking?" Rosalyn's voice put me out of my trance and I looked at her face. She had tied her hair up in a messy bun and had worn an apron.

"What am I thinking?" I smirked and leaned back on the couch with a perfect plan playing in my mind.

Wait... Why is she wearing an apron?

"No-No!" Rosalyn exclaimed, shaking her head. "Don't tell me you're going to do what I'm thinking."

"What are you thinking, sister? And what are you doing in this apron?"

"I know you are going to..." A voice from the kitchen interrupted her and I raised both brows.

"Princess, I think the timer is too much. I'm not smelling something good." It was Zack.

Giving me a brief glare, she ran towards the kitchen and I followed behind.

"What you two are doing with my kitchen?" I gasped, looking at the mess-up state of my poor kitchen.

Well, yes, I'm the kitchen chef and chief...and don't think I'm exaggerating but the presence of Rosalyn in the kitchen means pure stomach disastrous food.

"Oh, you're back," Zack said. I raised my brows more at his state. He stood there in an apron with traces of flour on his face.

"Yes, I am back, and what the hell is going on Zack?" I hissed.

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