|51|Neglecting Everything For Him|

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Skylee P.O.V

Last night was still surreal in my mind. But Rosalyn's behavior at breakfast and the fact she called Zack for a ride to school made me believe it did happen. Last night, when we came back, Rosalyn was waiting for us in the lounge and she caught us red-handed once again.

It wasn't like we didn't want to tell her, it was just fun irritating her and oh boy, the looked on her face when we both played cool and said her good night before heading to our rooms, it was all worth it.

I chuckled remembering her face and the way she stormed to her room before she threw deadly daggers at us.

"You're looking extra happy today. Any specific reason?" Number 1 asked, making me come back to reality. We were heading to school and today it was taking some extra time to get there because my bodyguards had decided to change the route for security reasons.

"Why do you think I need a reason to be happy?" I asked, looking at him.

"No one needs a reason to be happy unless they are bipolar." He reasoned out, making me raise my both brows at him.

"Besides, it's not like you had fun last night and you went to a date with Eric and kissed him over a Ferri wheel, right?" Number 2 statement made me choked on the air as my raised brows came down, my shoulders slumped and heat crawled up to my cheeks.

"We aren't your bodyguards for no reason besides we knew you better than leaving you alone with him."

"Number 2, I..." He cut me off.

"I'm not done yet." He glared at me. "Skylee, it was a careless stunt. You know how things have been going around you and after knowing everything, you still want to play and act cool, fully aware of the fact how dangerous it could be, not only for you but for him too! Remember last time you both went to that illegal racing track and what happened after that, Asli spent a good month in the hospital. It's like inviting them that here I am, please get me."

Now that he was pointing it out, I realized how stupid the decision was, but what could I say? It was like one look and touch from him, and I was ready to neglect everything for him. That was stupid yet still so appealing.

"I will be more careful next time," I said, realizing he was damn right. Not just with me but something could have happened with him just because of me.

"Now if you are done with your careful lecture, I have few things to ask," Number 1 said, grinning sheepishly and I internally groaned, of course, they had seen everything and I was not getting away from them without revealing details.

"You just said next time. It means they are going to be more and you guys are what? Official? Dating?" He was curious would be an understatement.

"Yes, we are official and dating, and together, whatever word will suit you and I'm not revealing details," I said and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"That's not fair. You owe us this much regarding the fact we won't tell your father about this." Number 1 pouted, looking at me with a puppy look.

"You won't tell Baba about us?" I asked surprised. It wasn't like I wanted to hide it from him but I didn't know what his reaction would be.

"It's not our place to tell him. And the fact, we send him your all-day activities along with some other things, it's going to be hard hiding this." Number 2 said, not looking pleased as he added, "Skylee, I know we are the ones who said you to communicate but I have a feeling Mr. Kimgston will find it hard to accept."

I sighed and leaned back in the seat. My Baba never had to worry about boys. The reason I never was interested in relationships. I knew it would be hard and surprising for him but I knew for me, he would accept it.

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