|22|Unwanted Vacation|

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Skylee P.O.V

"Can you tell me for the sake of God that what happened?"

"Not my story to tell."

"And where are we going?" I asked the same millionth-time question again.

"Not my story to tell." Number 2 replied again for the millionth time.

To all my questions, he just had the same answer, 'Not my story to tell.' 

For the past 20 minutes, we were roaming on roads. To God knows where? It was giving me super strange vibes because of the way he was driving, not too fast but neither slow. Plus the fact I saw Number 1 going inside the house with a gun in his hand made a mixed feeling of anxiety and fear washed over me.

I knew from day one that something was off here. I could feel it. They were hiding something from me. But it would be so dangerous to make us move away from my own house. I had not presumed that. I bit my lower lip in nervousness as I looked at Number 2 face that was covered with a concerned look. I internally prayed for Number 1 safety because he went in there with a freaking gun.

"We shouldn't have left Number 1 alone there for whatever reasons," I said almost in a whisper.

"Your safety is our foremost duty. Besides, don't worry about him, he can take care of himself pretty well." He assured me with a small assuring smile. I was glad he said something other than a line 'not my story to tell.'

"You do know what happened there, right? Why aren't you telling me anything?" I again tried my luck to which he smirked and replied, "Beleive me, it's not my place to tell you anything."

"Give me your phone I want to talk with Brother Xander," I said with a sigh, hoping for a positive reply to this one. To my luck, I didn't have my phone or any communication device with me all thanks to Hitler Asli.

"Miss, don't worry. What we are doing is for your safety." He replied as we took another left turn on a less crowded road.

"Yeah, obviously. At the night, when normal people sleep in their houses, you are taking me away from my own safe zone, and driving on a less crowded road is absolutely my safety requirement. And leaving Number 1 behind with a gun to deal with God knows what is necessary, right? What exactly are we protecting me from?" I sounded sarcastic even when I was angry. I could act like a sarcastic brat in nervousness - just figured.

He heaved a loud sigh but didn't utter a single word. Frowning, I crossed my arms over my chest protectively and looked at the outer view from the window. The scene was dull almost creepy until some lights in the sky caught my eye. As our car moved further, the source of the light became visible. It was coming from an amusement park.

I sat up straight and curiously looked towards it. Having an amusement park in this kind of abandoned area was weird. There were colorful lights scattered in the sky, the noises of cheer and scream were enough to create the urge to go there. The most prominent thing which caught my attention was the Ferris Wheel. It was so high and decorated with colorful lights, it seemed like it was touching the sky.

There was something in the ride that made me stare at it without blinking. For once I wanted to ride it. It would be so mesmerizing looking at the city view from the top of that Wheel.

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