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Skylee P.O.V

"What the hell were you two doing? Were you about to kiss?" Rosalyn asked too surprised and shocked that she couldn't even close her mouth, let alone her big wide eyes.

"Way to kill a moment, devil!" Eric huffed angrily as he pulled away from me and actually gave me a hand, like a gentleman to get up from the couch. I smiled at his simple yet so warm gesture. He smiled back.

Then sending one last dagger at Rosalyn, he went towards the kitchen. I pouted, looking at his retreating figure before turning my blazing eyes at her.

"You could have waited for it to happen before putting your nose..." I paused."Well, before putting your cough in it." I glared at her.

She shook her head before saying, "What? Am I hearing right? Oh my God! You were about to kiss him and you're pissed because I interrupted! What did I miss?"

A lot...

I passed her a deadly glare before storming up into my room, ignoring her yelling.

"Skylee! Skyleee! Get back here!!!"

It was one of the most awkward dinners I ever had. Since it was, without Zack, because he had a gathering to attend with his Dad, a gesture he was up to ask a favor from him and Owen had a family dinner. So, it left us - my bodyguards, me, and these two siblings.

After Rosalyn caught us, well apparently, not caught us because nothing had happened. She was eyeing us both with those Sherlock's eyes like we would spill everything. She was curious but stubborn not to ask, and oh boy, who said I would tell her anything if she even asked.

Well, it was a killer when she coughed. She could have waited to let it happen first before putting her nose in between.

Serves her well! Silent treatment for her.

But the way she was eyeing us, and eating her pasta, especially the way she was digging her fork in the plate and chewing each ingredient, glaring with her Sherlock grey orbs at us. It was comical and funny and... Suspicious for my bodyguards.

Because as soon as we were done eating our dinner in mere awkward silence. Rosalyn left for her room, stomping her foot angrily, silently yelling how angry she was. Eric passed me a knowing look and nodded towards my phone, when he left to the kitchen, my phone indicated with a text and it was from him.

Cactus: Escape your bodyguards and meet me in the kitchen I have something to discuss. And it's freaking urgent!

Number 1 cleared his throat and I looked up at him. We three were alone at the table and I could hear the sound of the dishwasher coming from the kitchen. Okay... I had to escape without acting suspiciously. It was funny how much I wanted to oblige his demand of meeting him in the kitchen.

"What?" I asked nonchalantly, making a bored face.

"Have you talked with him?" Number 1 asked.

I looked at him for a moment, then I looked towards the kitchen. Well, seemed like luck was on my side today. Taking his question for granted, I stood up and said, "Not yet, but I think I can now he's alone in there. Can you guys give me some privacy? So I can?"

That was the first time, me, asking for something so politely.

They both exchanged looks. I knew they knew something was up but they chose to play oblivious and I was glad for it.

"Sure. Make this alone moment useful but don't be a brat." I raised my brows at Number 2 comment but before I could say something, they both head upstairs, leaving me alone with his comment.

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