|04|New School|

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Skylee P.O.V

I groaned at the annoying buzz beneath my head. I had a habit of keeping my phone under my pillow while sleeping. My eyes were still closed when I moved my hand and get the phone. I didn't bother to open my eyes nor looked at the caller's ID.

"Günaydın, canım." It was Mum, sounding all fresh.

"Günaydın..." I whispered, shifting in my position and lying over my back. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked to adjust my vision.

"First day at the new school. Get up and get ready or else you'll be late." She ordered like she was standing in front of me. That made me frown.

"Mum, tell me if you're going to babysit me like this when you've already created a four-person army for me? Seriously!" I was so annoyed that I immediately sat up.

"Then..." I continued, "what's the use of hiring them?"

"Gosh! Tamam Tamam. I'm going to cut the call anyway. I was just checking up on you. Now bye! Have a good day and take care of yourself." She said and cut the call.

I just stared at the blank screen of my phone. Like seriously! Parents could be so annoying sometimes. She still assumed me a little baby who couldn't live without her mother. I snorted angrily and trudged to the washroom for a morning shower.

Once I took a shower and done my morning routine. I wrapped a white fluffy bathrobe around my body and came out. I walked toward the mirror and started to dry my waist-length black hair.

There was a knock on the door after that Asli entered inside with a tray, balancing a curved, tulip-shaped, tea glass on a saucer, over it.

"Good Morning! Here's your tea, Miss." She said and placed the tray on the bed.

"Morning," I said as I picked the tea glass and exhaled the fresh fragrance of it. My favorite Caykur Rize Tea, which was specially imported from Rize, Turkey northern region. I took a sip and sighed at the way it relaxed me. Who needed coffee when you had tea to start a better day?

After drinking it, I changed into a pair of white jeans with a peach-pink top and slid in white sneakers. I tied my hair up in a high tail with a strand falling over the left side of my face. Then I applied baby pink gloss and eyeliner and I was ready to go.

When I came downstairs, Asli had already settled my breakfast on the table consisted of Paçanga böreği, a type of börek made with yufta, filled with cheese, pastirma, tomato, parsley and pepper, another dish containing cucumber, olives, strawberries, tomatoes, muhammara, orange juice, bread and jam, not to forgot the variety of cheese (beyaz peynir, kaşar, etc). I frowned looking at the table.

Did I look like a hippo who could eat all this in one go?

But looking at the well-prepared Turkish kahvaltı formed a smile over my lips. I considered myself a Turk by heart because I was born in Istanbul and I spent the first six years of my life there before moving to China. And then, that moving continued till now. I didn't even remember how many countries I had already traveled to.

"It's your Mom's order to maintain your diet," she informed me as she broke the chain of my thoughts. I sat down on the chair.

"You better should not listen to her too much," I said and sipped the orange juice.

"But..." She tried to say something when I shut her with a glare.

"You can't go anywhere without finishing your breakfast." She stated with determination.

"I might get late on my very first day," I raised my brows, munching an olive.

"Who cares." She shrugged as she put a piece of börek on my plate.

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