|28|Stupid Cactus|

126 14 2

Skylee P.O.V

"Does your brother usually take this long to make breakfast?" I asked Rosalyn who was sitting beside me on the couch. We were in the lounge waiting for the breakfast that had no sign anywhere.

"Usually not," she said. And we both angled our heads to looked towards the kitchen where Cactus was busy doing something with the pan. I sighed.

"I am starving badly," I said.

"Me too," she added, switching the LCD TV on.

She flickered through a few channels before she stopped on the news channel while I opened my phone to look for something to pass my time, when a notification popped up on the screen, indicating something related to 'Kingston'. I had set up a system to get updated if there was any latest news going on that concerned Kingston.

I clicked it and read the article. It had the details of the new upcoming Kingston project which was supposed to be a collaboration with one of the top business sensations of New York. It also says it could be 'Mark' or 'Synder' but regarding the current scandal situation which 'Synder' son had created, there were high chances that this deal would be close with 'Mark' but since 'Kingston' had not confirmed anything yet. Both companies had equal chances.

I didn't read it further and put the phone down. It was boring and had nothing to do with me.

The previous day passed in a blur, the only best part was when Number 1 and Number 2 came. I was so relieved to see Number 1 alright. He said he had to stay behind to handle the 'stuff' and didn't bother to tell me what kind of stuff. They also gave me three particular things which Brother Xander referred to as a surprise - a new phone with all data backup, laptop, and headphones.

After the so-called warning 'I will throw you out' of Cactus. I spent the evening reading the novel in my room. I didn't know it was sharp 9 PM until Rosalyn came and asked me for dinner, but I was so engrossed in the novel that I refused. And of course, I regretted it later, very badly, when the mouse inside my stomach started to dance, and when my eyes started to hurt because of too much reading.

Then putting the novel aside on the bed, I walked out of the room at almost sharp 1 AM. The house was giving full haunted Vilas vibes and I felt myself no less than a vampire, seeking a target to satisfy her hunger. But unless vampires, I found a box of pasta covered skillfully and a can of coke in the fridge.

So, I simply heated the pasta and ate it. To be honest, it was the best pasta ever I tasted, seriously, it was very delicious that I finished the whole box. Or maybe I finished the whole box because I hadn't eaten anything since the morning. Either way, it was very delicious.

But wasn't I thinking too much about vampires these days?

The yelling of the news anchor on the screen broke the train of my thoughts. I looked at the screen and he was telling more like yelling the same article which I read a moment ago, making it looked like very big breaking news. They could not exaggerate it more.

"That's bad," Cactus said, now standing beside the couch and wiping his hand with the tissue.

"What's bad?" I asked, observing him. He had worn a white V-neck shirt, giving a peek of his muscular chest, and sleeves folded to elbows, making the veins prominent on his arm, and blue faded jeans. His brown hair was messily falling over his forehead, unlike all the time I had seen perfectly jelled back.

"Stop staring like a creep." He smirked.

I rose my brows and said, "For your kind information, I wasn't staring. I just noticed that you always wear white shirts."

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