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Skylee P.O.V

"Sit down. Take off your hat and bag," Asli said and I obeyed.

Number 1 practically dragged me home when he found me at the main gate of the colony. I knew I was going to get a long lecture from them. Judging by my bodyguards' expressions, they looked so angry while Asli had weirdly calm expressions like a silence before the storm.

Darn you Cactus!

"So, where were you?" Asli started and my bodyguards took the path as they totally forgot about breathing.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were!"

"Why did you sneaked out?"

"What if something had happened with you?"

"What's so urgent that it couldn't wait for morning!?"

"Do you even noticed the time?"

I looked at the time and it was 3 am. Oops!

"Damn Skylee, it could be so dangerous. What if someone had kidnapped you? What will we say to your father?"

"What? Why would someone kidnap me?" I asked, too irritated by their overprotective behavior and nonstop questions.

Asli looked at me and asked skeptically, "Who was that guy?"

I blinked. 'He is dumbhead, idiot, jerk, pervert, punk, and a Cactus with lots of strings.' I didn't say it though.

"Why did you leave without telling us? You could have told us and we would have taken you wherever you wanted to go. That's not right to leave your house at midnight without telling any of us. You don't have any idea how worried we were for you. You have to understand this, your safety is our foremost priority and if today something would have happened to you, Sir Kingston would have rotten us alive," Number 1 said a bit calmly.

"For God's sake answer us at least!" Number 2 snapped as he banged his hand on the table and I jerked up.

What's wrong with them? Why are they behaving so weirdly?

"Why you guys are being so overprotective? Look, I'm absolutely fine and nothing has happened to me." I snapped, glaring at them.

I was already mad at myself that why did I even listen to him and went out, and now these guys were interrogating me like I did some kind of sin.

What's wrong with everyone here? Why they all are hell-bent on blaming me?

First, that Cactus said 'Then who said you to come?' Like I was dying to go out with him! Like he didn't make a deal with me and now, these guys were making me lose my shit on them.

"Because you're our responsibility and you don't know how dangerous it could be to go out alone, at this time!" Number 2 snapped.

Responsibility! Priority! Dangerous! My foot!

"Enough now! I'm sick of this. I don't need you guys! Leave me alone and go to hell!" I yelled on top of my lungs, throwing out all irritation.

"You... You... You're just a spoiled brat, Skylee Kingston." Number 2 hissed and sat down, trying to calm himself by running his hand through his messy dark hair.

"Stop trying to be my parents. You guys are just my bodyguards and a normal maid, nothing else. I hope I don't need to remind it again." I said dismissively as I stood up from the couch, picked my cap, and added, "Don't try to lecture me again. It's my life, my wish, whatever I do. Stay away from it."

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