|18|My First Friend|

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Skylee P.O.V

"Zack!!!" This time, Rosalyn screamed his name and he immediately pushed that girl away. He looked at us with bewildered eyes and his face flashed in something that resembled guilt. Oh come on, he could be anything but guilty.

"Once a cheater, always a cheater. That's what you guys said, right?" An annoying voice of Helen mocked behind us as she came and stood in between Rosalyn and me. I looked at her confusedly. What did she mean by that?

Helen smirked at Zack as she tapped her phone on her chin. She wasn't bothering to hide how entertaining it was for her. But she had some deep emotions in her eyes, silently saying something to Zack. This Helen was a completely different version from whom I encountered before.

"Shut up, Helen. Will you?" Zack yelled at her with a glare. His voice had frustration and irritation.

Ignoring them, I looked at Rosalyn and it annoyed me to the core. I never felt this intense need of punching someone before like right now I wanted to punch that idiot named Zack. Rosalyn was frozen on her spot, her jaw was clenched tight, and her red watery eyes were fixed on Zack's face. I felt as if she would burst into tears anytime now. You could sense her effort of stopping them by looking at her face. I felt burning inside of me by looking at her pale, hopeless and hurt face.

"Rosalyn..." Zack whispered and a lone tear rolled down on her cheek. Unable to understand what should I do, I just grabbed Rosalyn's hand and started to drag her away with me.

"Skylee, listen..." I cut him off with a deadly glare as I said with a pointed finger, "Don't."

I took her towards the ground and she silently followed. I took her away not only because of herself but because of myself too. Because if I stayed there any longer, I would have punched that idiot. I didn't know why, but I was so angry right now.

Interfering in other matters wasn't my thing but today I couldn't stop myself. It really bothered me... Well, okay not bothered, it really hurt me looking at her state.

And this is something new... Maybe that's what we called friendship. Feeling each other pain and found ourselves ready to break that person's bones who had caused pain to your friend.

I made her sat on a bench and sat beside her. She silently fixed her gaze on her hands and placed her hands on her lap and didn't speak anything. I didn't speak either. I give her some time to calm and composed herself. I started to look around the ground, observing my surroundings when I heard a low sob beside me.

I snapped my head in her direction and creased my brows when I saw her silently crying. My jaw clenched at the sight but what possibly could I do? I felt really awkward as I had never consoled a crying girl before. I didn't know how to do that. Remember, I never made friends. She was my first friend.

And I am really, really awkward at handling crying people. I cleared my throat as I looked at her.

"Why are you even crying for a guy like him?" I asked after much contemplation.

She smiled sadly as she wiped the tears with the back of her hand and looked at me, "You never loved someone, do you?"

"I thought he is just your crush," I said, not bothering to answer her question.

"I love him, you silly girl. What does a crush mean?" She again smiled sadly, blinking her red puffy eyes, and added, as her gaze traveled to the sky. "I love that idiot for a long time now but I never told him... And honestly, it really hurts watching him with someone else, really badly like someone is stabbing me with a knife in my heart."

Once a Dare leads to Love (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now