|56|A Mess (II)|

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Skylee P.O.V

The day passed in a blur. I ignored Eric and strangely he didn't push me further after that locker incident. I still remembered when he cornered me against the locker.

"What do you think you're doing, my dear girlfriend Lizard?" His voice was deep and amused, sending a delicious shiver down my spine.

I held my breath as I stared at his gorgeous face with a small smirk. I wanted to say and do so many things but I held my ground, just a few more hours.

"So, you want me to play evil?" His own smirk deepened. We were in the locker area, I was pushed against my locker while Eric was hovering over me. I could hear whispers near us but my view was blocked by him.

When I didn't reply again, his smirk turned into a grin as his eyes shined with mischievousness.

I raised my brows at him. Why was I sensing trouble-trouble aroma here? But an I-so-wanna-be-a-part-of-this-trouble smile appeared on my lips.

He gave me a very lingering teasing kiss on my cheek, making me a blushing mess, and my heart an abnormal pounding mess. The crowd around us roared 'aww' as he pulled away.

"I'll see you soon then." He said with the same huge grin, turned around, and left.

And I became a breathing mess when I released my breath. I am such a mess! But would it be weird if I say I love to be a mess he made me? My legs felt wobbly as I stay there for a moment to came out of this sweet daze before trudging towards my next class. I didn't saw him for the rest of the day.

I was so excited about tonight that I didn't bother much about him. Zack told me he was also thinking of something to surprise me and was trying to figure out that something special that's why he was not bothering me.

After school, I asked my bodyguards to take me to Zack's family beach house. They asked me why and I hushed them with a glare, but their teasing grins said otherwise, making me blush hard.

God, Skylee, stop blushing. I scolded myself.

Zack said he had arranged all asked things there and once there, the whole house would be mine and I could do whatever I want as long as I wouldn't burn it down. He thought I didn't know how to cook but I do know how to cook. The thing was I didn't like cooking much. My cooking skills were reserved for special occasions like tonight.

I had never felt like this before, the way I felt for him. I understood Zack's concern but I knew my Baba could do anything for me. In this small period of time, I realized how much Eric meant to me. It was strange that now I couldn't imagine a life without him. He hadn't stolen my heart, it was still inside me, the difference was, now it beat for him, Eric Xander owned my heart.

I will confess my undying love to him tonight. I couldn't wait any longer. And I don't care about the future, whatever will come in our way, whatever will happen, we will, for sure, work out our relationship.

There will be storms, there will be fights, because life is not all about flowers and butterflies, and there is danger while being with me but I will do anything to keep him safe.

I silently promised myself.

I was so busy planning what and how I would do everything that it screamed perfection. I was deciding the menu and different ways of decoration, oh, and a dress, too.

What would I do about a dress? I had to do something about it. Damn, I totally forgot about the dress! I was about to ask my bodyguards for help when instead, Number 1 spoke up,

Once a Dare leads to Love (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now