|50|The Ferris Wheel and Promises|

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Skylee P.O.V

"This is a bad idea," I said, looking at his oh-so-serious face.

"Wear it, it's cold outside. You'll catch a cold, otherwise, I would love to give you my jacket to provide you warmth but then I'll catch a cold and I have to win a match tomorrow." He scrunched his nose up as he added while running a hand through his hair, "Can't afford that." And completely ignored my statement.

"Now I see from where Rosalyn has inherited blabbering," I said, holding my smile.

"Very funny." He rolled his eyes.

Who would say we were just kissing a few minutes ago as if our breath depended on it? Told you, only we could do this, from serious to taunting to funny to kissing, and here we were, again bickering. And would it be insane if I say I loved it?

"So? We are really going nowhere in particular?" I asked as I looked towards the staircase, where my bodyguards were up there and not even their sixth sense could tell them what I was up to. But my sixth sense and all the reasonable part who had shut down a few moments ago had started to work again, and they were yelling at me not to go anywhere alone.

"Oh yes!" He said and literally made me wear his jacket. I closed my eyes to let his fragrance filled inside of me. But before his muscular scent could invade all my senses, I opened my eyes and looked at him.

No, it was a bad idea. We couldn't go out without any security when an Italian mafia man out there was looking for a chance to kidnap me or maybe kill me so that he could blackmail my Baba.

"No, we aren't going anywhere. My bodyguards won't allow it." I said, stepping away from him.

He creased his brows together and looked at me so intensively that I feared he would see the real reason behind it. He still didn't know too much about me. I knew he should know it but I didn't know if it was safe for him. I knew I could trust him and I do trust him with all my heart but...

"Back to earth princess!" He snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, breaking the chain of my thoughts.

Forgetting about what was I thinking, I glared hard at him. "Don't call me that!"

He looked at me for a moment before saying, "Alright. Now let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere. It's not safe going alone at this time of night." I said and again took a step back. It would be dangerous for both of us and I couldn't afford anything bad to happen to him just because of me.

He looked at me attentively, before took a deep breath and came forward. He grabbed my both hands and squeezed them in a warming manner, then looked directly into my eyes. "Look, I don't know what it is that you are afraid of. But do you trust me?" He asked without breaking eye contact.

I looked in his grey orbs that seemed curious and tense. I noticed he was standing still, even his breath was stopped. I slightly smiled. I never felt this with anyone in my entire life what I felt with him. I never trust anyone besides myself but strangely I do trust him with all my heart. If he would ask me to follow him with blinds on my eyes to the end of this world, no doubt I would do that blindly.

"I do trust you," I said, entangling my fingers with his. He smiled attaching his forehead with mine and closed his eyes. I closed mine and felt his breath fanning my face. My smile widened as I hear his frantic heartbeat against mine. A warm feeling enveloped me in its embrace.

"Then trust me and come with me. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered. I nodded and open my eyes to look at his smiling face.

Once a Dare leads to Love (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now