|44|Way Too Straightforward|

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Skylee P.O.V

Upon reaching school, we were greeted by odd stares, intense glares, and nonstop whispers. Ignoring them, I trudged towards my locker while Helen walked towards hers.

It wasn't their fault, well apparently, we got suspended because of a fight between Owen and Helen and the aftermath was Eric and Owen beating each other. So, it was quite surprising to watch Owen and Eric coming together, and Helen and me.

On my part, I received extra glares from almost every girl and boy. Because the Queen bee of the school was my friend now and many students couldn't approve it. Then again, who needed their approval? Besides, they couldn't digest the sight of Trio wandering around me. High school!

After picking the English book, I shut my locker and walked towards my first class, ignoring whispers and glares nonchalantly. Helen also joined me.

"They aren't here yet," Helen said, referring to Zack and Rosalyn.

"I know."

"If may I remind you we have the same first-class... With Owen and Eric. And you told him she is in school, so..." She trailed off as we entered inside the class.

Oh, I forgot it.

"I'll handle it," I said as I spotted Eric and Owen sitting behind mine and Rosalyn's associated desk - the second last desk.

Upon noticing us, Owen winked at Helen and she rolled her in return and said before walking towards the first desk and sitting at her usual spot, "Well, good luck then."

I walked towards my desk and put my things on the table and sat down. Class still had ten minutes to start so I pulled out my phone and started to play my time pass game - Candy Crush.

A few seconds later, I felt someone sat beside me, and the fragrance of his cologne told me who was it. But, I didn't pay any attention.

Ignorance is always the key.

"So, you tricked me. Rosalyn isn't here yet," he said, popping his elbow on the table and resting his head over his hand. It took all my willpower not to look at him when he was practically looking so handsomely adorable right now.

Get a hold, Skylee. I said to myself.

I ignored him.

"Come on, talk to me at least. I know I didn't behave like a gentleman in the morning but you see, I was pissed," he again said.

I fixed my eyes on the screen and paid attention to matching the candies and simply ignored him again.

"Alright Miss hard head lizard. Listen to me I have something very important to tell you." He paused, looking at my face with his full attention that my hand stopped on the screen and I couldn't even explain in words how fast my heart pounded. He took it as a cue that my attention was on him so he continued, "So... Do you remember what I said to you last night?"

As soon as these words left his mouth, I snapped my head in his direction.

Did he... My thoughts trailed off as I stared at him with a straight face. I really didn't want to give him any reaction.

So controlling myself, I looked at him with skeptically confused expressions as if saying 'No'.

Looking at my face, his head slipped over his hand and he sat straight in his seat. Then he gulped and looked around the classroom, scratched the back of his neck. When he looked back at me, I again gave him the same quizzical look.

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