|23|Code Red|

140 15 3

Eric P.O.V

After parking my Ferrari, I entered the school. Sliding the bag over my shoulder, I walked towards my locker. I felt some weird vibes as I walked through the students. There was something uneasy in the way they were looking at me and blabbering.

It was like when we, Trio, plan some prank. Then they all had to gossip about it before the live telecast. Just like right now, their blabbers were as if some prank had happened or was about to happen. I knew we had not planned anything for today. Did Helen plan something?

With these thoughts, I reached my locker and put my things inside. As I shut the door, I found Helen behind it, leaned over the locker, looking at me and chewing her gum.

"What?" I asked, looking behind her from where Owen was coming. Rosalyn just frowned and walk away in the opposite direction. She was still mad at me which explained why she used Owen's ride instead of coming with me. I had to think of something to evaporate her anger.

"It was tragic, no?" Helen asked, passing her skillful acting sad looks.

"What does it mean?" I asked, confused to obvious. 

"Eric, it's code red!" Owen said as soon as he reached me, giving a tiny glance at Helen then looking back at me.

"What happened?" I asked. Code Red was a sign which meant a serious problem. Regarding the current situation, I thought our Code Red was Zack and Rosalyn's issue but the look on Owen's face said something else or more serious.

"You haven't seen the news as usual, right? What a friend!" Helen commented, not caring that I didn't ask her. I stared at her face which was void of any emotion.

"Why are you even standing here? Go somewhere else!" Owen gritted, glaring at her. She just looked at him for a moment then looked away still not moving an inch.

What's up with her today?

"Owen, tell me what is it?" I asked, looking back at Owen.

"Zack is home ground for a week or two, practically until the scandal won't end. I talked with him before his father came and snatched his phone away." He replied, doing something on his phone.

"What? Why?" I blurted out. I was shocked and confused.

"Because of this." He showed me a video on his phone. It was of Zack and Emma, doing their deeds in the locker area. Surprisingly, it had millions of views. My brows creased together as I felt a rush of anger. Who the hell uploaded it?

"Congrats, your friend is a celebrity now." Helen chuckled before Owen glared at her and she glared back. Ignoring both of them, I looked at the channel that uploaded it, and... What the actual hell?!?

"Owen, your father uploaded this video." I sighed, feeling defeated. Now, we couldn't even do anything to take this video down.

I wasn't surprised, knowing Uncle Justin, who always does his comeback with something spicy which for sure, creates a storm in the public, for those who were looking for something tipsy like this. He always covered the news that concerned and exposed businessmen, their scandals, and about all privileges they have got and needed to be exposed.

But this time, he chose our own friend. That was such a fucked up situation.

"Unfortunately..." He, too, sighed.

"Awww, how lucky your poor friend Zack is, no?" Helen once again passed her sarcastic remarks.

Isn't she speaking too much? I wanted to retort a sarcastic remark but stopped myself because Owen was going to do that and I should use my brain to find a solution for all this.

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