|67|Almost Lost|

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Skylee P.O.V

The weather was hot as we walked through the forest to our destination; the El Yunque top peak.

This contest was not a contest from any angle. It seemed more like a simple hiking trip if you ignored the fact, they didn't guide us much and left us all alone to reach the top peak.

Yes, the first round had a task to reach the peak before 4 PM. Whichever team will get their first had an upper hand for the meal like top three teams wouldn't have to make dinner, and they could enjoy the view and the place. However, the rest of the teams will look after food and the settlement of camps.

Now we were somewhere in between the forest, surrounded by trees, bushes, insects, mosquitos if I may add, and birds, with no idea whether we were heading right or wrong.

The faculty members just handed us the maps, a little food, water, and hiking bags with a few more stuff and told us to meet them at the El Yunque peak.

Since Zack said he would lead the way, he had the map and I strongly believe we were lost.

"Are you sure we are going the right way?" Rosalyn asked, stopping in her track to look at him. "I'm tired and exhausted." She sighed, sitting over a rock.

"We are walking for the last 3 hours. It says we should reach there within 3-4 hours. I think we are lost." Helen added, sitting beside Rosalyn over a rock. She pulled out a water bottle and took few gulps before offering some to Rosalyn.

"Zack?" Eric called him, who was so deeply into the map, holding it over his face.

I pulled out my water bottle and took few gulps before I realized my water had ended. I sighed and looked around the area. The place had lots of trees including Colorado trees. I took a few steps towards the right to found a mountain stream. That was when it hit me. We were not moving anywhere but going round and round.

We were in Palo Colorado Forest for the last freaking 3 hours!

I took a deep, long breath to control the strong need of hitting Zack. When calm enough, I walked back towards them and announced, "We are not lost. We are just moving round and round."

"That's not possible!" He looked at me annoyed.

"This is still Palo Colorado Forest." I glared at him and held my hand out, "Give me the map. I'll lead the way."


"Give it to her!" They all shouted together, making him jump at his spot.

"God Zack, you're an idiot!" Owen huffed, throwing glares at him. He just stuck his tongue out at him and looked at me.

"Do you think you can really take us out of here?" He had a challenge in his tone.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the map, at all the available roots. Then I looked back at him.

"Come here and bend," I ordered.


"I need a table," I stated.

"But why me?" His eyes were wide open as he looked at me.

"Because you're the reason we are 3 hours late and lost. Now do what she says." Rosalyn glared at him, making the rest of us chuckle.

"You guys are so cruel." He muttered before taking his bag off and bending half. Bitting my smile, I placed the map over his back.

I remembered Asli instructions from earlier, yes, she was here disguised as a faculty head staff named Jenny. There were more Kingston guards too but all in disguised. No one knew about them other than Burak and me. She also asked me to chose backpack number 4, since she had hidden a PLB - a personal locator beacon, in it so that I could communicate with her in case of emergencies. She had personally told me the root to follow to reach the top with the instruction to be cautious and careful.

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