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Skylee P.O.V

They won the tournament. It was a tough match because both teams were giving their best and the anticipation continued till the end would be no lie. But in the end, STG High won.

And... I missed the family meeting, knowing how important it could be. But I never regret missing it. Actually, I was glad I missed it because when I reached the ground and sat beside Helen, and when Eric saw me, and when the big smile he flashed me, it was all worth it.

Now to celebrate, their whole team had left for a party, they probably would be out all evening and half of the night. So Rosalyn decided to have a girl's sleepover as she invited Helen. Because she had started to talk to me right after the match, she also squeezed me into the sleepover.

As per my bodyguards, so they were in a really bad mood, all grumpy and professional. After bringing Rosalyn and me home, they were up in study till now and only came downstairs just to grab pizza and cola for themselves. I think Baba must have given them an earful because of me. I had to talk with Baba about all this as soon as possible.

"That's a childish thing," Helen stated.

"No, it isn't," Rosalyn said, sipping her cola.

Basically, we were in the lounge sitting on a couch, me between Helen and Rosalyn, trying to eat my pizza in peace, which was hard since, Helen, over here, was trying to make Rosalyn understand, pranking Eric was a bad idea.

Actually, her real motive behind this sleepover was she needed help in pranking Eric, a revenge prank for breaking her perfume bottle.

"And rude too regarding he did make up for it pretty well, buying all those toys, baking your favorite things and buying a new perfume bottle as same as previous one, you know..." I trailed off.

"Oh young lady, you keep quiet. You think I can't see the change of events between you two. I'm not an idiot!" Rosalyn glared at me.

"I never said you're an idiot. I'm just stating the fact." I shrugged, picking another slice of pizza.

"Sorry, Rosalyn, but I totally agree with her," Helen commented.

"Arghh, guys, try to understand my point. He can't break things in anger like that, it's unfair. I want to teach him a harmless lesson that he shouldn't break things in anger and should learn to control his rage." She paused when I and Helen gave her a look, "Look, I know it's childish and that's why I'm asking you to help me."

"Rosie-rise, you know how possessive he is over white shirts, and just imagine what he would do to you if you destroyed his custom-made T-shirt that he doesn't even know have been already delivered and something as expensive as Olsen co. latest collection that has been only given to ten chosen lucky customers." Helen reasoned out, munching a french fry.

I didn't like the way they were talking about him as if, he is some kind of a villain. No complaint though cause I like villains more than heroes. But he wasn't a villain and I knew better than to waste my brain cells arguing with them so, I kept eating my barbecue pizza in silence.

"But he always breaks my things in anger. Why can't I do something with him for once?" Now, she was really sounding like a child complaining about how her brother always stole her candy.

"Look, it's already been so long since he broke your perfume bottle. Why can't you just forget about it? What was so special in an old perfume bottle anyway?" Helen said slightly irritated with the concept of revenge prank.

Rosalyn looked down at the table where the white box was placed of the customized Olsen co. new collection white silk shirt, having front embroidered and a light self pattern in the front. But she wasn't really looking at it. I could sense the sorrowful expression on her face.

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