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Skylee P.O.V

I looked in the mirror to check my appearance once again. I wanted to appear professional and intimidating just like a Kingston was supposed to be. I knew it wasn't right to do this but only if I had any other better option, I would have never sent that email to my Baba.

Taking a deep breath in, I looked in the mirror. I had worn a Dusty Rose high waist palazzo pants with a black sleeveless crop top, pairing it with a white wrap coat. I didn't have many clothes. That was the only dress with some professional vibes I had so, I picked it.

My hair was styled up in a neat bun with a curly strand falling on the left side of my face, with minimal makeup consisted of simple eyeliner just to enhance the almond shape of my eyes, a bit of concealer just to give a neat look as I had very sm...

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My hair was styled up in a neat bun with a curly strand falling on the left side of my face, with minimal makeup consisted of simple eyeliner just to enhance the almond shape of my eyes, a bit of concealer just to give a neat look as I had very smooth skin and plum-colored lipstick.

I bit my lower lip, nervously tapping my heels on the floor. I had picked high heel shoes instead of sneakers. I was quite satisfied with my appearance and now there was only one thing I was worried about. It had been two hours and still, we had not received any call or email from him.

And that was very suspicious because according to Number 1, he always replied in half an hour. Yes, I used his email to send the mail. A knocked on the door cut my thoughts as I asked, "Who's there?"

After what happened in the kitchen a few hours ago, I couldn't let that idiot come into my room. The nerve of that jerk. What about my eyes, huh? I knew they were very pretty and I didn't need his compliment. Although that incident was very embarrassing still, I couldn't throw those beautiful grey orbs and his unusual stare out of my head.

Thinking about it always made an unknown feeling appeared and I, again, shrugged it off when Number 1 replied, "It's me, Miss. Can I come in?"

"Yeah," I said, shaking my head as if it would shake these weird feelings away.

He opened the door and came inside, passed me a knowing look before lifting the phone to me. I smiled, almost snatching it, and pulled it to my ear. I turned around and now I was facing the balcony, staring at the baby blue sky.

"Baba!" I said in an enthusiastic voice but it came out as a whisper.

"Sunshine," he whispered back as a smile appeared on my lips. My heart started to beat so fast when he asked, "How is my Queen?" I almost felt tears in my eyes.

He knew I hate the word 'princess' and I preferred Queen more. No offense to princesses but I like Queens more.

"How can you still call me your Queen when you never tell me anything about the current situation and all that court drama?" I said, making sure to show anger in my voice.

Once a Dare leads to Love (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now