|42|Not So Drunk|

115 11 4

Zack P.O.V

I woke up when my phone buzzed for the hundredth time. Groaning, I moved my hand to pick the phone and the next second, my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when I looked at the 25 miss calls from Skylee and the 100th miss calls of Eric, like for real.

It would be a lie if I said I didn't panic when I noticed my not-so-good surroundings. I was on a bed with an unfamiliar ceiling and if my mind was working right, then I was still in one of the rooms of that party house. My panic increased when, especially, I noticed a warm feeling beside me, yelling at me that there was someone with me on the bed.

Oh goodness, please tell me I haven't done anything stupid. Please, nothing scandalous again. My Dad would roast me alive like a grilled chicken. And Rosalyn would throw me in a black hole. Oh God, please, save me.

I closed my eyes and prayed internally as I angled my head to look at the face of the person lying with me, with whom, no doubt, I had spent the last night doing not-so-good deeds. I gulped and slowly opened my one eye only to found a very peaceful figure of my girlfriend sleeping beside me. I practically sighed in relief.

Okay, so now Rosalyn won't kill me but her angry bird brother would surely throw me in the Bermuda triangle.

I scooted closer to her and smiled when she wrapped her arms around me. I smiled wholeheartedly when I remember what happened last night. I wasn't drunk and nor was she. It was all started with a kiss and the rest of the things followed simultaneously. As if, it was all scripted.

I grinned at all those memories flashing back in my mind, creating fizzy feelings all over again.

Well, I would deal with her brother later who warned me plenty of times that not to step any further rather than some harmless hugs and kisses. But last night, I stepped into very dangerous territory and I didn't regret it.

Yeah, but I don't care what Eric would do to me once he found out. It would be a pure lie. His anger was the worst thing to deal with and the thing he was extremely possessive about his sister not gonna save me now.

"Hey! Rosalyn, wakey wakey!" I whispered to her and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She smiled and crimson color immediately appeared on her cheeks, making her look so cute and inviting.

"Good morning," she whispered with still eyes closed and snuggled deeper into the blanket still hugging me.

"Are we drunk last night?" I asked, playing with the messy locks of her blonde hair.

"No." She whispered.

"You know Eric would kill me if he found out about this." I knew I was being pathetic but we were talking about Eric Xander here, not a friend but a very overprotective brother.

"Don't worry. I'll handle him." She again whispered.

"But..." She cut me off and angled her head to glare at me.

"For God's sake, Zack. Let me sleep I'm so tired. Besides, you are worrying as if you have ditched your girlfriend." She huffed.

I grinned because angry Rosalyn was more cute and stunning than anything else in this world.

"You're right. I am worrying aimlessly because it's not a big deal. We are gonna husband and wife in the coming future. I should not worry about him." I winked at her.

She stared at me with widened eyes. "Wait... What did you say? Come again."

"I said I should not worry about him." I grinned.

She shook her head and said, "No no. Before it."

"I said you're right. I am worrying aimlessly because it's not a big deal." I laughed when she glared at me.

"Zack Synder, you pathetic love of my love. What did you say after that?" She hissed.

I laughed and wrapped my arm around her waist tightly, pulling her closer than she already was.

"I'm thinking of spelling it out for you that we are gonna husband and wife one day. For surely, one day in the coming years." I whispered, more like committed to her, looking at her beautiful grey eyes.

I had fall head over heels for her since I first saw her. And no matter what, I would never leave her. I knew I was far ready for a serious commitment but we weren't even graduate yet, it was the only thing holding me back.

She smiled and attached her lips with mine for a passionate kiss before saying, "Sure. I'd love to have it framed in my room."

And I was sure, we would get late for school.

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