|34|Uninvited Feelings|

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Eric P.O.V

After the girls left to Helen's place, after my ego once again didn't let me said 'Stay', and after she left ignoring my pleading eyes. I felt heaviness over my chest. I didn't know why, but I wanted her to stay with me at my house instead of going with them but since I didn't voice out, there was no way for her to stay.

I was, slowly and slowly, getting aware of these unknown strange feelings. I was going on a path where I had never even pay a small visit before. A path where you fall and I had already fallen, but too egoistic to accept that. So, I was just denying it.

Disappointed and injured, we came back home and tried to talk to Owen but he didn't pick his phone. So we considered giving him some time alone.

I still couldn't believe what Owen did today. It was so unexpected and unlikely of him yet we all knew he lost control of his sanity in anger. But today was too much.

"This issue is not going to die down easily. Once Helen's father will be back it would be a boom!" Zack said as he pressed the ice bag on his jaw where I landed a punch.

I nodded and closed my eyes, crouching down on the couch. I put an ice bag over my eye to reduce the swelling and pain. At first, it didn't feel anything but now it was hurting like hell. In addition, the strange dilemma, going inside my head was doing very little help in reducing the deadly throbbing in the veins of my head.

"I know I have said several times that I don't like her but after today my sympathy is with her and I even doubt what happened last year was not wholly her fault." He added.

Helen was part of our group until last year, which was so exceptional, after that incident, Owen was so devastated that we hardly controlled him. I wanted to talk with Helen about that issue but she unexpectedly left the city for a few weeks and when she came back, she ignored us and we ignored her.

However, I tried to talk it out but instead, she started to flirt with me, always ignoring the topic. She just wanted to push Owen. It was so obvious, but that guy just held himself on the verge. Knowing her effect, she flirted more with me and with few other boys. Yet she even made all of those girls expelled who tried to get near him but that bufflehead never noticed it.

I knew what happened last year must have another side. I believed every story had two sides, and my friends and even my own sister just believed what they heard and saw. I tried but couldn't change their viewpoints so eventually, I gave up. Even Helen tried to explain herself but Owen never heard her explanation. And then she gave up trying to explain since she didn't want to explain to anyone but Owen, who never bothered to hear her out.

"By the way, what's with that behavior?" Zack said, breaking my thoughts. I heard pure amusement in his voice but chose to ignore it.


"Come on, don't act now. I know you like her." As soon as these words escaped his mouth, I sat straight and shoved a pillow towards him. He chuckled in return.

"I don't like anyone." I huffed, pressing the ice bag on my eye.

"Keep saying that to yourself." He paused and put a finger on his chin. "Or should I say whatever helps you sleep at night?"

Only if I'm not already sleepless.

"Zack!" I glared at him but I knew better. I knew it was true yet I was denying it.

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