|46|Çay Ve Menemen|

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Skylee P.O.V

I jolted down the English essay as my mind again took me three days back when I had a little argument... Well, it didn't count as an argument through but still, we had not talked to each other after that.

Three days had already passed. I avoided him as so he did everything to avoid me. At the same time, he always stared at me and when I caught him, he didn't mind looking away but kept on staring with sometimes a straight face or sometimes too many emotions.

I shook my head and concentrated on my assignment before I completely lost it. After fifteen minutes, I finished my all work and put it inside my bag. Stretching tiredly, I looked at the time and it was past 8. Pouting, I picked my novel and tossed myself on the bed.

I lied over my stomach and opened my novel but my mind again took the subway three days back as the conversation with Helen played in my mind.

"He likes you, idiot!" She exclaimed, slapping her hand on the table.

"Oh thank you for telling me. I didn't know that." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Skylee, you know generally what kind of reaction a girl gives in this kind of situation or what a sensible person should say when someone confessed something like that?" She questioned.

"He didn't confess anything!" I retorted.

"Again, tell me what does that mean he has fallen for you? Do you even know that?" She glared, sounding like a mathematical professor.

I didn't reply to her.

"It means he..." I cut her off. "It means he likes me, right? So what? If I'm not wrong which I know I'm not, he is a playboy. Helen, P L A Y B O Y. You get it? He must have said these kinds of cheesy lines to so many girls. It doesn't make any difference to him but me." I said, trying to clear my point.

"I get it. I also get it you never had a boyfriend and you never dated anyone before. And for some reason, you don't want a time being thingy. You're looking for forever." At this, I looked at her.

Was I?

"That clearly explains your point but you don't know him like I do like his friend and family do. Every story and every person has two sides. One side is for those people, he doesn't give a damn. And the other one is reserved for special people. Now my point is, what you said is right but it's equally wrong. You should at least let him finish first then you should have clear your insecurities through chit-chat."

"I'm not an insecure type. Why would I be? I have nothing to do with him," I said but she ignored me and continued.

"Listen, a normal girl after when a guy confessed like that, the normal reaction is supposed to be a smile, blush, and perhaps a confession back and if things work out right, it ends with a kiss." I made a face at her sentence but his lips involuntary appeared in my mind and I shook my head to stop irregular thoughts.

"And imagine, if you are a guy and you said those words to a girl you have feelings for. Remember the fact that you are a playboy. Now, if the girl responds with a statement that you use girls. Imagine what would be your reaction? How would you feel?"

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