|41|Perfect Yet Imperfect|

113 13 44

Skylee P.O.V

"Miss, we will be around you. Just give a signal when you need us." Number 2 whispered more like yelled a bit in my ear. I nodded and watched them as they split somewhere in the crowd.

That's why I liked them. They knew the concept of space. Though, I knew they would be near all the time, keeping an eye on me but without coming into my eyes.

"Alright, ladies! Let's enjoy this night!" Helen yelled to us under the loud music.

"Listen, you! Don't drink your ass off that in the end, we have to rescue you!" Rosalyn glared at her.

"You can't stop me tonight!" Helen glared back at her and made her way towards the dance floor.

"Keep an eye on her," Rosalyn said to which I glared at her because she couldn't saw the frown on my face. Besides, she had to stop behaving like a mother.

"I'm not here to babysit her," I said and made my way towards my favorite spot in these kinds of parties and clubs.

The mansion was big and it was the only thing that I could observe because everywhere my eyes traveled, I only saw boys and girls doing different things like dancing, drinking, laughing, and displaying their live telecast of affection. Though the decor and arrangement were decent, dim multi-color lights were enlightening the whole environment, food and beverages were being served. Masquerade party was supposed to be something with classic touch but this party was anything but classic. It was the same teenager's party, the only difference was masks.

I made my way towards the bar counter and sat beside three boys with a stool space. I ordered my favorite champagne and looked around to found Helen. I sighed in relief when I found her dancing in the crowd.

I was sitting in a way that my back was facing the three boys beside me. But they were talking pretty loudly and I found myself doing something, I rarely did – eavesdropping.

"Dude, why aren't you drinking anything?" One of the guys said and it immediately clicked in my mind who he was, Owen.

"Because I don't want to." I could recognize this voice even in the crowd of thousand people, a voice who could make my heart skip a beat, Cactus aka Eric Xander.

"Dude, we should have brought girls with us. Not all of them but Rosalyn. I'm getting pretty bored here." I chuckled. I didn't even have to tell who he was.

"For goodness, Zack, it's a boys' night out. It means only we three if may I remind you." Owen said.

"But she is my girlfriend and I'm missing her terribly by looking at those couples," Zack said and I knew he was wincing or rather pouting right now.

I sipped my drink while listened as Eric replied rather sternly, "I'm sure you haven't forgotten 'The Talk' I had given you but again, I swear I will throw you in Bermuda triangle if you try any hanky-panky with my sister."

"I won't. But a quick question, how can you threw me there anyway?" Zack asked with a chuckle.

"That's for you to never find out." Came the reply of Eric and I could imagine his signature frown and smirk appearing on his face.

How funny yet pathetic it was, instead of observing my surroundings, I was eavesdropping on the guys sitting beside me at some, one stool distance.

I peeked with my peripheral vision to check them out. Zack was wearing a black button-down shirt with blue denim jeans, paring with a grey vest, a black Arlecchino mask that had a cat face, and his brown hair was messy and falling over his forehead. While Owen had his own sense of dressing. He was wearing a black suit with a golden vest that had weird patterns printed over it. Paring it with a golden Arlecchino owl-shaped mask and his black hair was styled neatly.

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