|30|Addicting Smile|

116 11 4

Eric P.O.V

I Lied. Her eyes were beautiful.

So what if I lied? There was no need to stroke her already huge ego more. But a stupid part of me wanted to say the truth.

I had lie many times to many people but never in my life, I regretted it. So stupid of me that I was even thinking about it, but no matter how hard I try that scene was just replaying in my mind, again and again, creating weird feelings in my whole being.

I bet I felt something very different and strange whenever she was so close to me or whenever I looked into her emerald eyes. It was kind of a very bizarre thrilling spark.

Let be honest over here, she was beautiful, so beautiful that she almost looked like a cute doll. Her emerald eyes were so hypnotizing that whenever I looked at them, I felt lost in them. Her scent was like lavender and jasmine, that too, hypnotizing. Not to mention her attitude, the same level as mine, as if she was a female version of me. So perfect.

Err... Now that's bullshit.

My ego didn't permit me to say that out loud but her eyes had the most beautiful shape and color I had ever seen. Now that was the problem, a very stupid dilemma. Was I regretting not telling her how mesmerizing her eyes were? Or didn't that explain I was regretting telling a lie? In either case, I was sounding like the most stupid person alive on this planet earth!

That girl, from day one, since she met me in the club or more like slapped me, messing with my brain cells. I freaking hate her!

I hate her because she made me unable to sleep at night. I hate her because she made me strangely obsessed with her. I hate her because she gave me a push to always irritate her and got an amused reaction out of her. I so freaking hate her!

But do I really hate her? Is it really hate? What the hell is this and that so confusing!?

My trance broke when my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID. I sighed because I hate her she locked me here in the damn car with her poker face bodyguard and went inside the mansion to do who knew what. As a fact, she looked very beautiful in that dress, makeup, and hair bun. And for the first time, I saw her wear high heels rather than sneakers.

"What?" I said, exhausted.

"Where are you?" Owen spoke on the other side of the line.

"Instead of asking 'how are you?'. You are asking about my whereabouts." I grunted, losing my temper with him.

"Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed." I heard him chuckle. "But aren't you supposed to say 'hello' first? I just went with the flow."

"Why did you call me?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! I'm not coming tonight so the club plan is canceled. I gotta find the name of that person tonight."

"No need. I already figured it was Skylee. She has already accepted that she was the one behind this. So stop being an idiot and yes, you're coming tonight."

"Again where are you now?"

"Right now, I'm inside a car locked with a poker face bodyguard of Lizard." That poker's face turned around and glared at me but ignoring him I continued, "And she is inside Snyder's mansion doing God knows what. She said and I quote 'I created this blender and I will fix this.' so... I'm just waiting here." I told him.

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