|12|A True Brother|

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Skylee P.O.V

It had been two days since that prank and I had to do an assignment with Cactus. But neither of us even looked at each other, let alone talk or assignment. I ignored him and so he ignored me. So here we were on the last day without even a little bit of achievement concerning the assignment.

As for my phone, I had a new one the next morning right after breaking my previous one. My bodyguards knew very well about my anger habits so it wasn't an issue. They always had my data store somewhere for backup. The real issue was Brother Xander and my parents.

They were sort of ignoring me. I had no idea about anything that concerns my parents, and to my disappointment, Brother Xander also didn't come to the cafeteria after inviting me. I waited there for five damn hours before he texted that he was sorry and he couldn't make it.

Now I don't give a damn about anyone. They don't care about me and I don't care about them. Simple! Isn't it?

I looked at myself in the mirror before I trudged downstairs. I had worn black palazzo pants with an emerald half-sleeved top. I paired it with an Emerald sneaker, and my hair in curves over my waist.

I frowned when I found the table empty with no signs of breakfast.

"Asli?" I called out loudly and looked at the time on my wristwatch. I would get late if breakfast didn't serve soon.

"Good morning, Miss! Sir Xander is here. He wants to accompany you to school," Number 1 appeared from the door and said.

So, finally, he has got time for me.

"Is that so?" I asked as I stepped towards the wooden swing couch and sat on it. "Tell him, I don't want to see him. He can go!" I said, waving off my hand dismissively.

"But..." I cut him off with a glare, "Go!"

He trudged out of the house with long strides while I crossed my arms over my chest. A frown decorated my forehead. What did they all think of themselves?

"Awww, my baby girl is still mad at me." There he came, in his usual lawyer attire, a black three-piece tuxedo, with a small convincing smile on his face. I looked at him for a moment then looked away, the frown never leaving my face. I wasn't angry. I was beyond exploding. Angry was an underestimated statement right now.

"OK OK. Tell me what do I do to please this little angel?" He asked and kneeled in front of me.

"I'm not your little angel cause I just belong to me." I snarled angrily as I looked at him.

"I know..." He grinned in return.

"But you know every girl is a doll," he said as he stood up and fixed his coat.

"Either Annabella or Barbie," We said in unison. It was what he always said to me that I was a doll too, but neither Annabella nor Barbie. He said that I was an odd combination of both of them.

"So my not-so-devil-Annabella, get up or else you'd be late for your school," he said and I looked at my wristwatch. Well, we still had enough time to bicker.

"I'm not going to share my car with you," I said stubbornly. Ignoring my comment, he grabbed my wrist and made me stood up.

"Brother Xander!" I exclaimed but he didn't listen as his eyes fell over the red mark.

"What is this, Sky?" He asked, examining the slightly red mark.

"Nothing." I shrugged with a bored face. He nodded his head twice and dragged me out of the house towards his car.

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