|03|Another Sleepless Night|

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Eric P.O.V

I took a shower and dressed in a pair of blue faded jeans and a white two-button shirt. Then I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. It was evening and dinner still had some time. I decided to watch a good movie on Netflix as I grabbed a can of soda and a packet of chips before walking toward the lounge.

I hadn't even turned the LCD TV on when my phone rang. It was Zack. I received the call as I put the can and chips on the table.

"Bro, we are going to a club for a party. Wanna come?" His voice echoed through the phone.

"A party? And you're telling me at the last minute?" I said as I switched on the LCD TV.

"Actually, we were not planning to go there, but when Owen insisted so..."

"Which party and why the hell is he insisting at the very last minute? I'm not coming." I hopped on the couch as I picked a chip and munched on it.

"Helen issues..." He audibly sighed. I got his point as a sigh escaped my lips, too.

"Fine, you go. I can't come."


"I'm too lazy to get up and dress up." I shrugged even though he couldn't see me.

"Seriously! You just have to wear your jacket and that's all."

I looked at my outfit. He was right though, but I still said, "Bye." And cut the call.

After searching for a while, I was about to start the movie, when this time, Rosalyn decided to interrupt. She plugged the switch out and the screen went black. That made a growl leave my mouth, and I looked at her with a deadly glare.

"What?" I huffed.

"Get up," she titled her head. I gave her a questioning look.

"Time to clean up all this mess, brother dear." She smiled sweetly at me. I raised my brows and gave a quick glance at my surroundings.

The area around me had scattered cans of soda, beer, whiskey, wrappers of chips, and some other snacks. It felt like there was a party last night. If brother would see this, that would be the death of us without any doubt.

"Later." I dismissed her with a smirk and motioned my hand to put the plug back. She smirked. My smirk vanished. Her smirk said too much. I was stupid because I didn't move until she said,

"I just got a call from Brother Nick, and he's in New York. Probably be here anytime soon."

As soon as the words left her mouth, I jumped down from the couch. I didn't waste any more seconds and I started to clean. First, my sister laughed at my horrible state, but then she took pity on me and started to help me.

Not more than 15 minutes later, the house was giving a clear-cut view.

"So, if we try, cleaning is not a big deal," I stated proudly.

"Yeah, only if we try." She laughed. "Where are those chunky monkeys, by the way?"

"At some party," I said and internally praised myself for not going with them.

"Hmmm." She hummed. I was about to ask her what was with that long hum when we heard our brother's voice.

"Guys, I'm back." Nick Xander, my big brother announced loudly as he placed his luggage in the living area. Rosalyn ran towards him.

"I missed you so much." She hugged him as she said. He kissed her forehead. "Me too, sweety."

Then he looked at me. I looked at him.

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