|62|Days Like Synx|

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Skylee P.O.V

A soft yet strong fragrance was tickling my nose. I sneezed and sat up straight on the bed. My eyes widened at the sight of my room and I rubbed my eyes to made sure... No... It wasn't a hallucination.

Oh my God!

Petals of red roses were everywhere in my room, the tables, the floor, the swing, and even my bed was covered in red roses. A big smile appeared on my lips on its own as I took in the beautiful sight. Warmth filled my heart before it started to pound so hard.

I put the duvet aside, making the petals fall over the floor. That was when my eyes fell over the teacup on the bedside table. It had a note attached to it reading 'Sorry' with a little heart drawn aside.

My smile flattered as I plucked the note. It read:

Take as much time as you need. I won't bother you anymore.

I knew whose handwriting was this. The tug of guilt along with the warmth of his action made me overwhelmed with emotions. I knew it meant ignorance on his part too. I felt another tug of realization, I wanted him to bother me. Alas, he wouldn't be bothering me anymore. I sadly smiled and took a sip of the tea. My eyes, once again, widened at the familiarity of the taste.

"Why do you have to be so nice, you stupid Cactus? Why do you have to make it so hard for me? Can't you make it easy for me by just staying mad for a while? You have to become such a romantic freak now! Why do you have to be so understanding and caring? God, I love you!" I blabbered to myself while enjoying the Rize tea and playing with the petals.

Later, I took a bath before changing into a purple dress which had fluffy full sleeves, pairing them with black knee-length boots, my hair styled in a french braid with few stands caging my face, and minimal makeup.

I found Asli setting the breakfast for us while the rest of them were sitting at the table. I made my way there and sat opposite Eric. He was frowning over his phone while Number 1 and Number 2 were looking at me with concern.

I glared at them and they looked away.

"What did you say to Zack yesterday?" Out of blue, Eric asked. The frown on his face was pretty evident that something was wrong. I noticed how he had a bandage wrapped around his hand and wrist, just revealing his fingers.

"Nothing," I retorted, looking at the Omelet Asli just served on my plate.

He just hummed in response as Asli served him too.

I remembered my conversation with Zack. I was angry. I guess... I had pushed a little too much.

"Alright, Miss Kingston, I'm not going to beat around the bush," Zack said, pulling a chair and sitting right beside me. "So, tell me, what's going on here?"

"Why don't you all just leave me alone? What do you think? Coming one by one, you all with get something out of me? Does it seem that much easy to get information out of me?" I was actually frustrated with all this. And after Helen's advice, she was right. I should not let anything away with my eyes.

"What happened that day? You were going to my beach house to plan a surprise date for Eric when suddenly, you came back in a freaked-out state, according to Eric. Then you disappeared like you never existed in this world. Where were you? Is everything alright? What happened that day, Sky? You had all of us worried." He looked concerned.

"It's really none of your business. And didn't your connections helped you find my location?" I asked. I hate that Burak's words were, suddenly, making an appearance in my mind.

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