|31|Do I Really Love Her?|

115 13 0

Eric P.O.V

I looked at the clock for the millionth time again.

11:45 PM

I huffed and drank the last sip of the coffee from my fourth cup. For now, I had shut all the irrelevant thoughts on my head, all thoughts that include Skylee. That would be for the better because I wanted to sleep tonight, but after four strong cups of coffee, sleeping looked like the last thing with me.

Today was another boring day of this week. After Zack kidnapped my sister and Skylee went upstairs not before giving me a mini fall attack. I composed myself and trudged directly to my room. In an attempt to kick her out of my mind, I thought to study and that somehow helped me for time being. So, I spent my whole day, surprisingly, in calculus problems and chemistry chemical equations if you ignored the part where her smile was distracting me.

Being a player and bad boy didn't stop me from coming to the top five list of straight-A students. That was another story that I never did my homework on my own and never write a single assignment with my own hands but still, I was good in my studies. It was just, I don't waste time writing assignments and doing all those stupid homework.

Momentarily, like a big protective brother, I was waiting for my sister who still had not returned yet. It was not like I didn't trust Zack. I did trust him but I was just very concerned about her as a brother, I just want everything perfect for her. I didn't want anyone to hurt her or broke her heart. She was the purest soul who could even make an angry gorilla smile. Well, that was another story if you made her mad at you, then she would be the angry gorilla eating you alive.

Anyhow, it was my responsibility to provide her best and to protect her from everything.

I still remembered how we, I and Zack, used to threaten all the boys to stay away from her when anyone tried to talk to her. And I still remembered when one of the boys from middle school told her that his brother threatened the whole school not to talk to her, that day she beat me black and blue in front of the whole school.

I chuckled at the memory and again looked at the clock.

11:55 PM

I sighed and stood up from the stool. I put the cup in the sink and came out in the lounge when a sound reached my eardrum. My brows creased because Skylee went to her room almost two hours ago right after dinner. Probably she would be sleeping by now.

Was she still awake?

Suspiciously, I made my way towards the stairs. As I started to climb up, the voice became more prominent. Someone was singing a song with the guitar. Soft murmurs and the music of guitar chords were coming from upstairs. My senses became more alert as I tried to make out the words.

My dear close your eyes,
let the sleep roll in.
Let it shield your deepest fear.
Let it hide your all fears.

My dear dream about a life,
fill it with love.
just like Roses are red,
express they love.
They make you smile,
and make you love the dark night

I squinted my eyes as I hear those lyrics. First, I checked Skylee room, as usual, I opened the door without knocking, and as I expected, it was empty. I trekked towards the music room that was just beside her room. She must have come here through her room balcony that connected to the balcony of the music room.

Basically, it was my brother's music room because no one besides him knew how to play these musical instruments. He had a wide collection of different kinds of guitars and a black piano. Through, he rarely came here because of his work as he spent most of his time out of the city or country.

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